Ithaca's '07 Turkey

Ithaca 37

New member
Mar 4, 2001
Home of the free, Land of the brave
7 AM, Monday, 4/23, I had a couple different gobblers sounding off a few hundred yards from where I parked. Went after the closest first and set up about 75 yards uphill from him. Called on the slate and he answered right away. Pretty soon I could see him coming in full strut. He’d puff up and gobble and then stop and look around. It looked like it was going to be too easy until he stopped about 50 yards away and wouldn’t come any closer. I didn’t dare call because he’d have me pinpointed and know it wasn’t a hen when he couldn’t see her so all I could do was sit and hope he’d come closer. He was a smart old bird, though, and after a few minutes he turned around and left. By then the other one had clammed up so I went back to the truck and drove up to the ridge top to do some calling. Tried a few spots and walked out a couple hillsides but got no answers. About 10 AM the wind came up real hard and the hunt was all over. I took the dogs for a long walk around a couple wheat fields looking for turkey sign but couldn’t find any.

Same place Tuesday morning but no gobbles. Beautiful clear morning sky with no clouds. Not the best kind of day for turkey hunting. I went up the ridge and did some calling but didn’t hear anything so went back down to the first spot and heard a gobble. Same bird that wouldn’t come all the way in yesterday and he did the same thing today, then left. I figured out how to get him tomorrow, though, so I went to the truck and just as I was getting in I heard a gobble a couple hundred yards up the hill. Went after him and soon knew I had two of them together. We played games for a couple hours. They’d answer and walk away, I’d move and they’d come towards me but stop a hundred yards away. I never saw them, but there was never more than about ten minutes of silence before they’d gobble again. About 11:30 I circled way up the hill around them and came in about 100 yards away from the last place I heard them gobble. I sat there until it had been an hour since I last called, then gave one quiet yelp and they both answered right away. I yelped again before they finished their gobbles and got ready. It only took them about 3 minutes to show up and, since it was real thick, I didn’t see them until they were 25 yards away. Both were strutting and looking real hard for me. I waited until they walked behind a couple bushes and cocked the hammer on my single shot 12 gauge I’ve been shooting since I was 11 years old, and when the first one poked his head out 20 yards away I shot. He dropped and I jumped up to run to him and the other Tom just stood there in shock for a second then took off running down the hill.

Nice bird, probably three or four years old. Inch and a half spurs and a nine and a half inch beard. Got him in a place called Murder Cove.

Here's the picture:
Dang Ithaca I believe that's the first time I've ever seen a picture of you! Nice turkey! Really cool that you got him with your old single shot 12 gauge. How long is the barrel on that thing? Looks like at least 32 inches. And exactly how old is that gun? :D
Totally awesome !!!!! Looks like you take hunting with the Business approach.... Slacks, Dress shoes, Button up shirt.... ;)

Congrats man !!
Persistence definitely paid off for you this time. That is a great looking bird. Nice heavy beard - congrats!
Congrats on a beautiful bird!

Were you hunting the same area you deer hunt? I KNOW there's lots of turkeys there.
WA. Hunter, It's a J.C. Stevens, 32 inch barrel, choked about half way between modified and full. It's got a decent pattern for turkeys out to about 27 yards with 2 3/4 inch copper plated 6's. I got it in 1958 and it was pretty old then, so I'd guess it was manufactured in the '30s.
Great Job on the Bird! I had the same Gun in 20 Gauge. Grandfather gave it to daddy and he gave it to me and I was going to pass it along to my son until I had all of my guns stolen from me. It was the only gun I wanted back! WTG, John
Nice Ith! Quite the paintbrush on that ol' boy! You are stylin' in that pic as well...looks like it was tea on the back porch after that hunt...Congrats again!
Figured you might be. I really like that area, even more so on the days it's not raining! ;)
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