It won't happen to me.


New member
Jul 25, 2013
Lake George, CO
During Colorado's second rifle season I decided to break off from the group and hunt a high mountain meadow. The meadow was at 11,000 feet and it took over an hour by atv and a 45 minute walk to get in to the area. I got there just before light and hunted all day with out any luck. I walked back to my atv only to find that it wouldn't start, I was out of communications with my hunting party because my radio and cell phone were in dead zones. The temperature was dropping rapidly and the sudden realization hit me that I might have to spend the night there. I used my atv cover to rig a shelter and then started a fire, at about midnight after 6 hours of huddling by the fire my son's showed up and rescued me. The moral to this story is never go out hunting with out enough gear to spend the night, fire starting material, stove, tarp, MRE's. because you never know but it could happen to you. I am 66 and have been hunting since I was 13 and this was my only experience of this type. Thank god I was prepared and I wanted to share this so that someone else could avoid my situation.
We are way over-packed on our ATV between tools, first-aid and enough food to get you by for three days.
We unload everything and stow it during the winter, inventory and check everything in the spring and load it back on. But, we have chosen to ere on the side of caution.
Glad to hear it ended well. Being stranded alone in the middle of no where is not fun. Glad you had your fire starter and knew how to use it. Thanks for the reminder.
So glad you are ok and all worked out great. Hunting alone is very rewarding but can be scary to.
It won't happen to me either. I don't ride one of those damn things. mtmuley
Good to hear things turned out so well and it's not something we heard about on the news.

Not sure of the legality, but I know a guy who hunts the same general area every year and has a couple of caches buried in the mountains for such occasions.
Glad to hear you are OK.

My brother says that I am at risk of Hyperthermia - killer of the overprepared.
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