NEW SITKA Ambient 75


Panda Bear

Well-known member
Apr 23, 2019
We are preparing to leave but wanted to get this off before we do. I very possibly will not be able to respond , a least for a bit.

Several have ( and with good intentions BTW ) ask why we dont just do this or that and I wanted to put this in perspective.

their questions-------How long would it take to drive to ----, can't you get it next day ----, there must be a store there that has it----they are not that expensive----plus some question the "fairness" of why we can hunt whenever--no draw, tag, season ( btw there are some restrictions and requirements ), etc, etc, most just innocent/honest questions and statements---some not!

We live and work in the Territories of Canada. Try to imagine an area the size of Alaska, Texas, Calif, Mont, New Mexico, Nevada, and Colorado combined with VERY minimal road structure and only 150,000 people and 65000 of them live in our three "large" cities. ( 30,000-25000--10000 )

I am not complaining, as some here know, I went back east to college and after graduation decided to return, to be honest I could not wait. The short answer to "dont you and your husband get lonely?" No and we talk to the dogs a lot.

Hope this helps some understand that getting the same thing that you pick up at Walmart could be three or four times more money than what you pay, if we can get it all all. Some enjoy hunting wild game and enjoy eating what they hunt. We do it somewhat the same way that you go to the super market (possibly a bad example but I hope you understand my point )

Anyway, the next time you go into the mountains and there is nobody within 100 miles ( or in our case 500 miles ) of you and you had a cabin close to stream full of fish and game in the mountains , could you honestly stay there the rest of your life ? Many think they could but it is not as easy year around as it is for two weeks. I will be curious to see who would, at the very least, like to try, if they could. And I understand marriage, children, job, health, etc etc etc could keep you from doing so at this point in your life, but am still curious as to whether or not you think you could or would even want to.

To end this post in a fun way. Someone once said you mean like Jeremiah Johnson or Dances with Wolves and I said yeah, like that, only I am the Indian o_O
I know that I would THINK it would be possible. I do know that I would miss a lot of things I have and do here. Modern conveniences are just that. Conveniences. Cabin, fish and game. SOUNDS great, and I would be game to try it for a while. The rest of my life? There would have to be an "escape" plan to get out into civilization every now and then. There is a TV show called "Alone" that pretty much leads in this same direction. How long can you handle surviving alone out in the wilderness. Starvation pretty much leads to them quitting. I'm no survival expert by any means, and am pretty sure I wouldn't last for long myself. But I would STILL like to give it a go sometimes! Adventure awaits!
I could not and dont even want to

i enjoy my grandparents cabin and it is REMOTE. I have stayed as long as a month with no desire to return to civilization but, no, I would not want to stay there for the rest of my life. I have also camped both while fishing and hunting for two to four weeks and did not miss civilization. However, At this stage of my life a month is just about the maximum of time for me. I enjoy several hobbies, hunting/fishing is not the only hobby for me. Right now I am working on going to Oregon or Wash and expanding my horsemanship (or womanship I guess ) and then I want to go Ireland to Fox hunt. I want to take scuba diving lessons and then go scuba diving, we already have plans to raft the Mackenzie river---thing s like that .
Panda Bear.....”Color me Envious”! You’re living pretty much what I envisioned after graduating high school. Congratulations! memtb
You’re living pretty much what I envisioned after graduating high school! For sure.... life got in the way though, wife than a tour in Iraq than kids than a nasty car wreck.....

at this point I still would, I usually live out of a tent for the month of September and another 2 weeks or so in October.... always not wanting to come back to the “city” life...... now I just need for my kids to graduate and convince my wife in the meantime lol 😂
Panda Bear, we're living almost the same way(not even close though) the way you live.
Just to late in life to track off to Alaska and life the bush life.
We're a couple of hours from SE Idaho and 4 hours to SW Idaho. We do a lot of shopping at Costco. But we've bought in bulk our whole marriage.
Enjoy your life and more power to you.
There is a TV show called "Alone" that pretty much leads in this same direction. How long can you handle surviving alone out in the wilderness. Starvation pretty much leads to them quitting.

I love that show. Even those who have rocked it with their skills and full bellies have called it quits due to the solitude.
Where are you heading, I’m not caught up with you yet.

:) and here is another individual ( salmon chaser ) who comes up to see us for several months each year and lives in Alaska somewhat like Panda Bear does in Canada. Nerves of steel this one !

it is nice to see two more ladies post----anothercindy, IDfirelass, along with Hunting Wife, Europe, Panda Bear, mrelkhuntress and myself.

back to this thread. I also think it has a lot to do with both finances and age or at least where one is in life at any given point. Right now there is so much I want to do I would not even consider it. As I said I enjoy it , a lot, but I also have a good time in Las Vegas and Hawaii. Plus other things, like those I mentioned earlier that I want to do. Then I probably will be tied down at some point raising a family and when they are gone, will I still be able to do it health wise.
I’ve heard people who completely hated living in Northeast Montana because it was too isolated, talk about wanting to move to Alaska and live in a cabin and live off the land. In my head I was LMFAO.

I’m quite sure I don’t know what I don’t know about year round living in extreme remote conditions. Could I? If I had to. Would I enjoy it? Probably parts of it, other parts not so much. Like everything in life- there are positives and negatives I suspect.
I told my wife we were going to winter over in our cabin in Alaska. It's forty miles by water from Valdez. Had her almost talked into it.
She was going to miss her grandbabies too much was her main argument.
Then she asked if anyone was going to be there if we needed help.
No, everybody leaves for the winter.
There was a pause.
I could and would in a heartbeat,If given the chance I would be GONE!
1 trip to Alaska and nobody would hear from me again.Sorry family that's just the way it is. 🔥
Good Luck Panda...Hope to hear from you sooner or later.
We are preparing to leave but wanted to get this off before we do. I very possibly will not be able to respond , a least for a bit.

Several have ( and with good intentions BTW ) ask why we dont just do this or that and I wanted to put this in perspective.

their questions-------How long would it take to drive to ----, can't you get it next day ----, there must be a store there that has it----they are not that expensive----plus some question the "fairness" of why we can hunt whenever--no draw, tag, season ( btw there are some restrictions and requirements ), etc, etc, most just innocent/honest questions and statements---some not!

We live and work in the Territories of Canada. Try to imagine an area the size of Alaska, Texas, Calif, Mont, New Mexico, Nevada, and Colorado combined with VERY minimal road structure and only 150,000 people and 65000 of them live in our three "large" cities. ( 30,000-25000--10000 )

I am not complaining, as some here know, I went back east to college and after graduation decided to return, to be honest I could not wait. The short answer to "dont you and your husband get lonely?" No and we talk to the dogs a lot.

Hope this helps some understand that getting the same thing that you pick up at Walmart could be three or four times more money than what you pay, if we can get it all all. Some enjoy hunting wild game and enjoy eating what they hunt. We do it somewhat the same way that you go to the super market (possibly a bad example but I hope you understand my point )

Anyway, the next time you go into the mountains and there is nobody within 100 miles ( or in our case 500 miles ) of you and you had a cabin close to stream full of fish and game in the mountains , could you honestly stay there the rest of your life ? Many think they could but it is not as easy year around as it is for two weeks. I will be curious to see who would, at the very least, like to try, if they could. And I understand marriage, children, job, health, etc etc etc could keep you from doing so at this point in your life, but am still curious as to whether or not you think you could or would even want to.

To end this post in a fun way. Someone once said you mean like Jeremiah Johnson or Dances with Wolves and I said yeah, like that, only I am the Indian o_O
I like to envision Richard Proenneke
It’s kind off funny how people react to the remoteness the north offers. We fly into some really remote creeks during the summer. 100 miles or so by float plane, no visible sign of man, tends to make some people nervous. Most helpful thing we’ve done at the lodge, small fans for white noise so people can sleep.
I’ve been to Proennekes cabin a couple of times, pretty neat. Susan loves to point out during our home improvement I ain’t Dick.
Used to think I would like to spend a year in the bush, never quite got around to it. As it is I spend about 1/2 the year hunting and fishing. When I’m home I’m an honest 1/2 hour from the nearest store/gas/services.
That’s quiet enough for me.
I think I could be a very good old hermit. I'm usually very introverted and I'm comfortable spending long periods of time alone. In fact, I crave it. My wife however is very social. How we ended up together, I'll never know.
I have no idea if I could or not. I have some guesses, but they are just that until I tried it.

Does it mean no internet? :)

Heck, the part I like the best is, "No and we talk to the dogs a lot. ". As long at I can do that, I'm okay.

To be honest, I think a lot more people that you would guess are just as isolated in the middle of a big city. In fact, that's the one thing I enjoy most about the big cities - isolation (and good restaurants).