ISO..Quality axe and hatchet

T Bone

Well-known member
Jan 8, 2001
Eastern Idaho
It appears that my long time axe and hatchet (Plumb brand) were left behind at a campground on my son's recent scout campout....

For some reason, it pains me to say goodbye to a good edged tool.

I went looking for replacements at the local hardware stores....found a lot of chinese and mexican low quality steel and crappy hickory...

Anyone know of a place that has good quality?
Honestly, the husqvarna ones on amazon or gransfors bruks out of sweden are by far the best axes/hatchets i've ever owned. You should be able to find both locally. I'm sure there is a dealer for both around you somewhere.
I was going to mention Gransfors Bruk. No personal experience, but an axe guru I knew really liked them.
Thanks for the comments!

I'm not familiar with the Swedish steel, but after looking at them on the interweb....I'm not sure I can live without one!

I'd sure like to put one in the hand before buying, but local choices are limited. The Estwing axe at Home Depot is pretty nice, but I need just a few more inches on that handle....30 to 32" is the sweet spot for me.
I bought my uncle a grasfors small forest axe last spring as a retirement present. Its a pretty impressive piece of gear. Im gonna invest in one for myself at some point. He loves it. Wetterlings is another brand that is well thought of also.
Yup. Love my GB small forest axe. I've had a few different ones over the years and this one is by far the best. Don't even mind hauling the weight around in my pack.
Ditto the Geber,had a splitting axe for a while now and rarely use my mauls now. Maybe getting a Gerber maul or a Grasfors in future.
Sandvik makes excellent steel too.
I'll vote for the GB. They are great tools, worth the money. I would not loan them to my local scout troop, though! Too spendy for that.
This is kind of a tangent, but do you know what's weird? I find it almost impossible to find an axe at a hardware store with a sheath anymore. Kinda crazy, but I restored some old axes I found on my dad's farm and had to order sheathes out of Texas. Maybe some kind of liability issue? Or cost cutting? Anyway, GBs come with good sheaths. Which is good when you are clumsy like me.
Great video. I love people who love what they do. That man is passionate. Would love to have a beer with him.
Estwing makes an indestructible axe in various lengths. I've had mine for over 25 years. They come with a sheath.

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