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ISO Hunting buddy


New member
Sep 24, 2017
Unfortunately my pops who was my hunting buddy passed away at 63 in 2016. Been working on taking my children and getting them involved but my wife is Leary about me going alone and with my children. I live and hunt in Utah. I reside in the salt lake valley. If you are anything like newberg is portrayed on screen, we could get along great! Watching Randy is like hearing my dad and his points of view. A lot of the core values Randy preaches about is pretty much how I grew up. Not really sure what all to say here. If you are in the same boat or have social space for another friend, LMK.
thanks for the warm welcome. I hope to meet new friends here. My son gets to get his first elk tag this year. Hoping to get him on one 😉😀
My wife has only been hunting one time ever. She doesn't understand a lot of what I do afield. I try to be patient and answer all her questions/concerns about safety. I tell her where I will be hunting that day, and if there is cell access, I text her a couple times throughout the day. I bring my 2-year-old looking for sheds, scouting, and looking for mushrooms - we have a great time. I think a lot of fear from wives is based on lack of knowledge. Knowledge is power. Hopefully your wife can come to being well-informed about your hunting so she can trust your judgment rather than scary unknowns of getting lost, injured, shot, etc.
Welcome. Lots of good folks and good info here. My wife has similar concerns about me hunting alone. Hope you find that hunting buddy.

Finding a good hunting partner that you get along with and wants to go every year in challenging for sure. my Wife doesn't like me going alone either on years that I don't have a partner.
2017 archery deer/elk hunt


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my first elk 2008


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To help with the wife concerns, spend the money and get a Garmin sattelite communicator. I'm a poor man and it was a tough amount of money to spend but me being able to text her at any time really helped ease her mind. She can look on the map and see when I'm moving and helps her feel way better. She went from saying "do you really have to go alone?" To saying " dont forget your Garmin" It's the best money I ever spent.
To help with the wife concerns, spend the money and get a Garmin sattelite communicator. I'm a poor man and it was a tough amount of money to spend but me being able to text her at any time really helped ease her mind. She can look on the map and see when I'm moving and helps her feel way better. She went from saying "do you really have to go alone?" To saying " dont forget your Garmin" It's the best money I ever spent.
Thanks a bunch I’ll definitely check it out
To help with the wife concerns, spend the money and get a Garmin sattelite communicator. I'm a poor man and it was a tough amount of money to spend but me being able to text her at any time really helped ease her mind. She can look on the map and see when I'm moving and helps her feel way better. She went from saying "do you really have to go alone?" To saying " dont forget your Garmin" It's the best money I ever spent.

A lot of times you can find the older inreach SE models for cheap online. There are also monthly plans available that you only pay for when you're using it. It was one of the best hunting items I ever bought.
I’ve got a nervous wife as well. Satellite tracker calms her down a lot. Makes me feel better as well. My first elk hunt was a solo hunt. I had never been in the mountains before. I was scared as hell. But the freedom of being alone was fantastic. It was definitely missing the companionship of a good hunting buddy but it really was fun. Being nervous will make you more careful and help you make better decisions.

Wish I was in Utah, I’d tell you to hop in the truck and let’s go! You never know how you will meet your next hunting buddy. One of my dearest friends I met while working in gander mountain. He came in one day and we got talking. Now we deer hunt together every year and have a blast. That was 15 years ago. If you have any questions or if I can help you with info just ask.
I’ve got a nervous wife as well. Satellite tracker calms her down a lot. Makes me feel better as well. My first elk hunt was a solo hunt. I had never been in the mountains before. I was scared as hell. But the freedom of being alone was fantastic. It was definitely missing the companionship of a good hunting buddy but it really was fun. Being nervous will make you more careful and help you make better decisions.

Wish I was in Utah, I’d tell you to hop in the truck and let’s go! You never know how you will meet your next hunting buddy. One of my dearest friends I met while working in gander mountain. He came in one day and we got talking. Now we deer hunt together every year and have a blast. That was 15 years ago. If you have any questions or if I can help you with info just ask.
Thanks I appreciate that a lot! It’s tough to reach out like this especially when your get a little social anxiety

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