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Is it Better to Be Lucky or Good?


Aug 21, 2014
Camano Island, WA
I just finished a successful antelope hunt. My sense of accomplishment at having filled my tags was dampened by the knowledge that my success was largely due to luck, rather than any skill on my part. On the way home, I’ve been reading Steven Rinella’s book describing his free range buffalo hunt in Alaska. And it struck me that his ultimate success was even more a matter of luck than mine. He awoke one morning to find a group of buffalo walking past his camp and he shot one. HOWEVER, he had used a fantastic array of skills, along with perseverance, patience, and hard work, to put himself in a position where there was a chance of buffalo walking by. Then he used another impressive set of skills and abilities to get the buffalo meat, hide, and skull back to civilization. And it occurred to me that hunting success is often, maybe even always, a matter of luck. The skill, and other abilities, enable to hunter to put themselves in a position to get lucky, and to take advantage of that luck when it occurs.
You make a lot of your own luck. Perseverance is the biggest key. If you aren't out there looking over the next hill, making another cast, or whatever, you will not be successful. Skill just makes luck come around a little more often.
" The harder I work, the luckier I am"

You still have to make the most of a good situation. I've muffed up a few of those in my hunting life, and I will screw up more in the future. Never secondguess a good outcome, and use that as motivation to persevere when things aren't going well.
Generally it somewhat evens out in my experience.

For every time that you end up shooting a nice animal on opening day in a relatively easy spot, you will either end up hunting all week and not getting anything, or end up with an animal down in a hell hole.

Sometimes you can go a few years where things work smoothly but it usually ends up catching up with you. Be thankful when a hunt goes smoothly, you will be cussing and complaining about things not going your way soon enough.

My 2 cents anyway.

I have always felt that no matter what there is a lot of luck involved in hunting. Of course the more work you put into the better chance you have of being successful, but you can spend 9 months scouting and have all the right equipment and know the wind thermals and have 12 trail cams out and be in the best location in the world and if that elk decides to take the left trail instead of the right you still wont get him.
I have always thought it would better to be lucky than skilled. Hunt with brother many times. His time hunting, experience and skill is far superior too mine. I have good fortunate to be in the right place at right time.

That being said, For the elite hunter, the top 10%, hard work makes their luck. There are hunters on this site that are successful time after time. This is skill and also time and hard work.
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