Yeti GOBOX Collection

InReach question


Active member
Sep 6, 2016
Rochester, NY
Hello, I have an Inreach... I suspended the service last October. I went on to reactivate and it doesn't seem to be working.... I expected this to be simple. Am I missing something obvious??
I was fearful of this kind of issue when I activated mine, so I just keep it going all year....hell, it rides with me all the time anyways just in case all shit breaks loose and I happen to be on one of the frequent dead zones in Montana....
I suspend and reactivate service all the time and I haven't had that issue. Maybe try syncing it? It should sync to your account settings once it has service though... Do you use the earthmate app? You can mess with your settings via the app and it might somehow trigger an update.
I use the EarthLink app. From what I am reading, it seems I may have to hook the inreach up to a computer for an update?
Never had any issue, I have reactivated it several times.
Call them. There CS and support is excellent
Connect to computer and download updates. When I reactivated it took a while for the device to connect to the signal, but once it did I have had no problems. I'm not sure all that stuff happens instantly like we have become accustomed to with technology. Also, in the random thought category, maybe your Credit Card expired?
It doesn't happen instantly, should be available for service the next day. Just had this happen with mine in August. Good luck
just activated mine. it was available within minutes.

It is really a pain that you need 2 logins if you have 2 devices. I asked why and she said it was because of privacy laws....huh? Then she proceeded to tell me if I upgrade for more $$, I could have two devices with the same login. I guess more money from me solves the privacy laws.
It used to be somewhat of a pain with DeLorme because you had to sync the device to make it activate and deactivate. Since it switched to Garmin it is as simple as activating it online and then the next time you turn on the device it should be working. I've had mine for 5 years now and activated and deactivated it many times without ever having an issue. I agree with the others, a call into customer support is needed.
Ran updates, updated credit card, called CS.... We are back!! Thanks all for suggestions... Basically had everything wrong haha. Heading to montana in 2days!
I've never had an issue and I have multiple devices, make sure your annual subscription is up to date, otherwise I'd get with customer service.
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