
yeah, it's hard not to have been a little influenced when you started hunting 6 seasons ago and most of what you learned initially was from rinellas podcast.

i have a savage rifle, but that's only because that was the only left handed 30-06 on the used rack that day i walked into cabelas. coulda been damn near any brand of rifle, i just kept walking in there hoping a used lefty .06 would be there one day, and finally one was.

i was pretty influenced by the ultralight backpacking crowd before i got into hunting. i tried translating some of that gear and knowledge to hunting and i was cold as shit every night and didn't have enough room in my backpack. so randy convinced me to buy a mystery ranch. i bought some new sleep gear that was more suited to fall wintry weather instead of summer alpine.

i guess rinella convinced me to buy vortex.

otherwise i mostly wear costco pants and trail runners depending on the weather and terrain and old school GoLite for my puff wear.

no mfer is ever gonna convince me to buy a yeti cooler tho

Dude if you ever come out to Bozeman I owe you a beer!
I bought a MR pack 15 years ago because of being influenced by people on this site
I confess.
I bought a used pack from BF and did get onx for my Garmin.
Ditto the Gerber scalpels.
I also tried to find some Sitka cheap. Wound up with some Skre gear.

Don't think the elk care but I feel slick. I do not look as cool as Randy does still tho.
Fresh Tracks influenced me into joining this forum a decade+ ago. I was already getting into NR hunting, but still pretty green.

I've taken a lot of hunting strategy from folks on this site. I guess I've been influenced.
So along the theme of the day.

Has your hunting style or gear ever been influenced by an influencer?
Yes. I have bought two products I otherwise wouldn't have that were endorsed by Field Ethos Journal.

But they will regularly and publicly call out their own advertisers after doing a review if the company drops a shitty product. There is some amount of credibility in that...and a good portion of the stuff they use I already use and like.
Liver King is nasty. I can’t even eat a piece of fat from a steak without gagging, I would rather remain a wuss than eat that crap.
Nope. Not at all. I'm a stalker, both game and gear. Not letting anyone do the learning for me. I generally avoid outdoors media shows anyway. I mean, how can anyone make a gear decision based on that kind of overdose advertising?
1/2 my gear is Walmart special. If I can’t find something that works I’m perusing the internet to see what higher volume users have…seems worthwhile to be influenced in that manner.

Hunting style? Hunting coming of age was in the 90’s for me and I pretty much lived under a rock. Trial and error were great teachers. I had a couple Ron Spomer books for reference and that was probably about it.

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