Immigration Moratorium

Washington Hunter

Well-known member
May 8, 2002
Rochester, Washington
I know this isn't a "Sportman's Issue" but I think it's an important issue. I wanted to share it and didn't know where else to post it. Besides, it seems to be slowing down in here a little, especially with Dan agreeing with Buzz
So what do you guys think about this?

Tancredo Introduces Immigration Moratorium Bill

Good news! Congressman Tom Tancredo (R-CO) has introduced a bill to reduce legal immigration from one million a year to approximately 300,000. H.R. 946, the Mass Immigration Reduction Act of 2003, would enact a five-year moratorium on many categories of immigration, including extended adult relatives, and would significantly cut back on the number of skilled workers and refugees. It also would eliminate the visa waiver program.

Now is the time to start building support for this bill!

Please email your Member of Congress and ask him or her to co-sponsor this critical immigration reform bill.
If your member is already a cosponsor, send an email to thank him or her for supporting reducing legal immigration to more sensible levels.
Current cosponsors are:

Tom Tancredo (R-CO)
Nathan Deal (R-GA)
John Duncan (R-TN)
Virgil Goode (R-VA)
Steve King (R-IA)
Sam Johnson (R-TX)
Charlie Norwood (R-GA)

Here are some points you may want to make in your email:

More than 30 million immigrants have settled in the United States since 1970. Now our cities, schools, health care systems, labor markets, and environment all need a break. We cannot provide high quality education, health care, and retirement security for our own people if we continue to bring in endless numbers of poor, unskilled immigrants.

Current immigration levels are so high that immigration officials are unable to thoroughly screen immigrants before allowing them into the country-as September 11, 2001 tragically underscored. Just as one would shut off the main water valve before attempting to fix a leaky pipe, the U.S. needs to turn off the flow while we repair a dysfunctional policy.

Stopping most forms of immigration temporarily would allow us time to devise an immigration policy that truly meets national needs. It would also allow us to concentrate on stopping the massive illegal immigration problem and regaining control of our borders.
To send an email about this bill, go to FAIR's Action Alert and enter your zip code.

For more information, see FAIR's issue brief on why America needs an immigration moratorium:
Chit Man,
I'm glad someone is finally realizing that soon we will be looking like Japan!!!!! I'm not prejudice but, God dog it! I have been against the numbers we allow in to our country for years!!!!! Go to Jersey, Virinia, New York, Hell any Fuggin place today!!!!! It's ridiculous!!!!!! This is one subject that really fires me up! So i'll shut up and keep my comments to myself! I'm just glad to see someone is taking note! To bad it had to take and act of terrorism and the continuing threat to bring it about, but at least it's out there!

WH this is definately a Sportsman's Issue topic. Population growth is one of the leading causes of the decline in places to hunt.
Another by product of the influx of aliens both legal and illegal is the cities become more crowded and sometimes more dangerous and that pushes anyone who can leave the city to leave it. Where do they go sometimes? to the less inhabited west where they then turn the cities and towns they come to into replicas of the place they left. Liberal views then abound.

Yep, in my mind definately a Sportsman's Issues topic just because I say so
It's great to be King!!

DS post something here so I can change it around for you
Good idea, and then we could start kicking the illegals out, and working on reducing our population. How many millions of illegals are there?
You guys better give this some thought before you jump in with both feet. Have any of you checked out the scholastic quality of the average 'Merican born college graduate recently? Well I have to work with them. Most of them couldn't hit a bull in the ass with a scoop shovel, and they couldn't spell scoop shovel to write instructions.
The best engineering interns we have on site are either eastern European or Asian born immigrants who are interested in getting and applying an education. Most of the Good Ol' Boys are interested is starting as Vice President of something and moving up from there in three years or less. There are several women who believe that just because of the shape of thier anatomy, they should be given preference over those with that silly appendage between their legs.

Now I'm all for reducing the numbers of immigrants that we permit to come to live here, but don't arbitrarily stop a program that is providing this country with the talent we need to continue in a new world of technology and computerization. If we don't import them, then we will have to start raising them. Most Gringo kids don't want to work that hard....

That's because most GRINGO kids don't know what hard work is, and never had to apply anything they ever learnt. When a kid grows up playing nintendo, and mom & dad buy'em everything they want, they have no idea what it's like to provide for themselves.
OK's ya big chance!

Danr.....for every top engineering interm we get...we get a thousand free loaders and scabs that work for half a wage and put hard working Americans out of a job...don't even get me started there. They are killing the labor markets here in Co as a lot of states I'm sure.

Nott saying that they can't come......just slow 'em down and make 'em take a friggin number. We'll take the bright ones first if that makes you feel better.
Is this American? Hasn't America been built on the backs of cheap labor and advanced on the brain trust of the rest of the world?

Sounds kinda like Microsoft!
I'm with DS on this one!!!
We just need to slow it down by about a half million! We don't have to stop it, but I also believethat we need to implement some damn requirements!! Like knowing how to speaka de' english!! If I went to another country to live (not visit) and I worked a job, I would at least have a good working knowledge of the resident lingo! If I couldn't get it before I left my home country, you can bet your butt, I'd go to the public library and get what I needed so I could communicate!

Marland, I agree with is a sportsman's issue, for exactly the reasons you stated. I don't think there is one thing that is affecting hunting more than an increasing human population. Thanks for not deleting it

Dan, I'm surprised you have no faith in Americans. You think Americans are dumber than the rest of the world? I think there are plenty of smart Americans and we don't need foreigners coming here and taking all the jobs. That's just not right.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 03-04-2003 21:37: Message edited by: Washington Hunter ]</font>
Great point ELKHUNTMD!....nothing pisses me off more than going to Taco Bell and holding up the whole friggin drive through line because I CAN'T SPEAK SPANISH!
My bad, what was I thinking....I'll go out and sign up for Spanish at the community college...after all, it is my duty to know it as an American citizen

Washington Hunter, I, like you, beleive that Americans are quite capable. I saw the same 60 Minutes broadcast Danr did......where we import all the great minds from India and other sandnigger(can I say that?
) countrys.......but don't think for a second that this country doesn't have the mind power. There is a reason such a small country as ours is not third world, but rather at the fore front of technology andprogress. If you took a minute to see where the majority of important research and invention came from, you would find Americans have more than their share of credits. Allowing those foreigners Dan talked about to come over and take those positions displaces some VERY capable Americans.

And one last thought.....don't think those other countries aren't compensated....this country has a heavy history trying to do too much for those in need around the world....I'd love for just once to see us take care of our own, and worry just a little less about being the "good neighbor".

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 03-05-2003 09:41: Message edited by: Deerslayer ]</font>
WH- No American's aren't dumber, but the education system here is not what it is in other countries. My advisor taught in Israel for a year and met an MD who could not get a job as a doctor and had to resort to herding goats for employment! He related that they treat 'smart people' over there like we treat athletes here! The US does poorly in most any international high school testing/competition. It's pretty pathetic. The thing the US has going for it is that most everyone wants to live here. So, we don't have to 'raise' our own genuises, just get those from other countries.
Pointer...I say let them keep their genuises, as well as their dumbasses, and we'll make it the best we can. I know it will be tough, but I feel we can do it.

Everyone wants to talk about what poor shape this countrys minds are in, but yet, it is still the "place to be"....go figure

I could deal with this country being a little dumber, if it meant shutting the door for a while. A damn fine trade off if you ask me.
WH...I didn't say that I don't have confidence in the capability of Americans. They are more capable than any race in history. What I don't have faith in is the personal integrity and ingenuity of the average American student. All it takes is working with these kids for a few months and you can tell the ones with the juevos and the ones who are just along for the ride. Believe me, most of the ones with the juevos don't have round eyes....

DS.. I'm surprised at you. In an age where the average shelf life of technology is about 5 1/2 months, if you snooze for a week, you never catch up. If we shut the door to the few who are capable, we would be back in the figurative stone age in a couple of years. Besides, if we closed the doors to cheap labor, who would pick strawberries? How many American High School graduates would take a job picking strawberries for $6.00 and hour or less? Not many. So you either put the strawberry growers out of business or the price of strawberries goes up to $55.00 a basket, and then you put the strawberry growers out of business. Don't take that litterally. That's just an example.

You guys need to start taking some classes in economics before you start assessing the job market... this is a changing age in the world. You have to recognize the changes and learn to live with them. If you stand in front of the train, then it runs you over. If you want to stop it, you have to get into the cab of the locomotive...

Danr, as usual you make some excellent points. So what if instead of shutting the door completely, we just keep it cracked open a little? Then we test immigrants and only take the very smartest and most educated, thus bettering this country. Good for them and good for us. We put the squeeze on those that merely want in to add names to our welfare system while they apply their trade in the illegal drug markets. By doing this we reduce the rise in population, help cut welfare, and still get the bright minds that our country so desperately needs. Win win!

Now, as for your strawberrys. Those are mostly illegals picking them anyway, so I'm not sure they apply to this conversation, but let's just pretend they do. Kick their asses to the curb if their best quality is picking strawberries for a living. Nothing against strawberry pickers, but if that is all they bring to the table, tell them to stay home. Hell, even a retard like Blowcan can pick a fuggin strawberry!
We have capable hands here from our own welfare roles to fill the void. Remember, I'm from the south. We got our cotton picked didn't we?! Even after there were no slaves, we brought the cotton in! Don't kid yourself into thinking we need illegals and immigrant workers to get the crops in. There are millions of folks right now in the welfare lines that would fill that void should we opt to go that route. So what do you think? Should we present my plan to Congress and get 'er crammed through?

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 03-05-2003 12:00: Message edited by: Deerslayer ]</font>
Ahh, DS my friend, if we put an end to all of the meanial tasks, what becomes of the rest of us?? No strawberries, no oranges, matter of fact, little fruit of any kind. Hotels without maids, eateries without busboys and dishwashers, no car washes, most family farms that employ one or two helpers would be out of business, and it goes on from there.

Seems like most of the locals around here are too good to work for a living or have too much ambition to want to start bent over, so to speak. I can't say that I blame them. I've picked stawberriew for personal consumption. It's a tough way to make a living.

As for limiting those that we do accept, what do we say, You can come, but leave your wife and kids home? What about that poem on the Statue of Liberty... Doesn't that count for anything any more?? For more than 300 years this have been the land of opportunity. All of the places I've been in the world, everyone wants to come to America.. Not seeking a free handout, but a fair chance. Oh, and one more thing.. In order to immigrate to the US, you have to have a sponsor. One of the things that the sponsor atests to is that they retain financial responsibility for thier charges for 10 years after thier arrival. Immigrants cannot go on the welfare rolls... Those welfare folks are all home grown....

Touche' Danr

But any who come here more than likely plan a lifelong stay after seeing how good they have it, so the 10 year rule does little, as most will wind up on some sort of welfare, whether you label it SS or disability or some other form of aid. I have no problem with it though, but would like to hear your ideas on how to slow the imminent population explosion of immigrants. I did get teary eyed when you talked about the poen and the " Torch Lady".....does that make me weak or human?

As far as the fruits, I tell ya, we can get it done. That is no reason to have illegals just because they work for nothing. And if they won't bother to learn this country language, I say NO ENTRY! NO EXCEPTIONS!

I'm feeling a little bad, like an uncaring soul. But it's not true, really it's not. I'm a real softie. If I was at the gate, hell, I probably would let all of 'em in!
DS, I'll take that challenge. I don't know if there are any statistics printed on the numbers or percentage of immigrants who wind up on welfare, but I'll go look. Be aware that I will not consider any documentation printed by the Aryan Brotherhood, or similar groups as credable. I have a real problem with those wackos.. So we'll see what I can find. I let you know if I find anything.

As for the population explosion....I don't think you can hold immigrants responsible for that. Hell, as long as people like to screw without protection, there will continue to be babies. I don't see an end to that trend anytime in the near future... Blaming immigrants for population problems is like blaming cows for fertilizer. They contribute, but it's a natural byproduct of life....


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 03-05-2003 13:41: Message edited by: danr55 ]</font>
I personaly don't see the legal aliens as being the problem. Like was said before they have sponsors and most are here to better their lives and not sponge off of the US and I believe a great many do contribute to the good of the country.
The big problem here is the illegals, and shutting the gates won't stop them cause they're rooting under the fence. They should not be allowed to drive, hunt , fish, get medical care or welfare. If they came here and could get nothing they might stay where they are. JMO

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