(I'm Back) Alaska Goat/Black Bear Hunt


New member
Aug 10, 2002
Gentlemen...and Moosie ;)

I am in North Pole, Alaska with less than 24 hours before I depart for Valdez. The weather looks promising...rain, showers, rain, rain, showers, rain, yatta, yatta, yatta. Gonna be a wet one for sure.

Pics and story to follow. Should be out of the bush on the 10th.

[ 10-03-2004, 20:09: Message edited by: Ovis ]
I was just in North Pole this morning Ovis.Gotta go back and see Charles Livingston...Anyhow good Luck on your hunt.Next year I may try for goat but we'll see.Daniel
Like the work done and that I've seen along with that I have not heard anything bad about the workmanship there....oh! and the amount of time that he's been in the buisness located there.Havent really found anyone else yet.But Im always open.In the future I'll try someone else with a small animal.But Charlie and Kevin have my buisness.Daniel

In a round-about way, Rich would thank you for the plug. Good luck with the lopes...I'll see you when I get back.


Take this for what it is worth, just my experience coupled with the opinions and experience of numerous other people.

Once upon a time, Charlie was the heat, but that was a long time ago. He's old, crotchety, works when he wants to (not when the work dictates). Hell, he just told a friend of mine that he keeps jacking the prices up on his mounts, but people keep giving him chit. He'll tell you a year turnaround, don't hold your breath...you'll be lucky to get it back in two years. The guy lacks people skills too. He once told me if I dropped anything off to him, not to come by or call, he would contact me.

I use a guy by the name of Rich Hamilton. Rich owns Brow-tine taxidermy in North Pole. He lives off of Mellow Wood Dr. Anyhow, Rich is hands down the best taxidermist in the entire state. He has the credentials to prove it. He is cheaper than Charlie, uses higher quality material than Charlie and takes care of his customers. If you're ever near the federal building in Fairbanks, run in and check out the second floor. He donated two mounts; one extended shoulder mount of a moose he killed and a trio of wolves he killed too...both are beautiful. Give him a call and ask to come check out his work. His number is 488-4778. Just don't call until after the 10th...he is going goat hunting in the morning and won't be back until then. :D
Well, left North Pole at 6a.m. and headed south.
Got to within 2 hours from our pick-up destination, called the pilot to inform him we would be there and he informed me the chances to get picked up in the next 2-3 days were slim. Made the decision to cancel the goat hunt. Turned around and headed home. I'm back in North Pole for a few hours of snooze. We leave in at 4a.m. for the Haul Road. Caribou hunting on the slope. Weather is a bit more promising, no rain, a bit of snow in the near future and a nippy 10 - 25 degree temps.

Gunner, I am pulling for a bigger bull then any of the two dinks you have on the wall.

These bulls aren't near as big bodied as your Mulchatna bulls. Big headgear and anerexic. We'll end up footing 20 miles when it is all said and done.
Bummer on the goat hunt (or lack thereof). Good luck on a good bull on the Haul Road. I take it you are rifle hunting with the mileage estimate.

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