If you voted for Trump with on the basis of public access.....you were dead WRONG!!

"That the President of the United States is hereby authorized, in his discretion, to declare by public proclamation historic landmarks, historic and prehistoric structures, and other objects of historic or scientific interest that are situated upon the lands owned or controlled by the Government of the United States to be national monuments, and may reserve as a part thereof parcels of land, the limits of which in all cases shall be confined to the smallest area compatible with proper care and management of the objects to be protected"

I would say that while designation as a National Monument was warranted for parts of the Bears Ears and Escalante the authority to designate a National Monument was abused in this case. Far more than "the smallest area" compatible with protection was designated.

If we want the remainder of the area that has now been reduced to be permanently protected from development then Wilderness designation seems the more appropriate route.

What were the objects that needed protections? Do they still have them?
Those of you still following Trump are a waste of time, especially if you stand with him on public land. You lack the ability to be objective and not put party before country, and there are many of you. Here is what the TRCP had to say about what Trump did. If you don't know who the TRCP are then go back to bed, but they have forgotten more about public land then you Trump followers ever will.

"Yesterday, President Trump announced his plans to use executive authority to reduce the size of Grand Staircase-Escalante and Bears Ears national monuments in Utah. The authority to modify national monuments lies with Congress alone, and this path throws into question the future of all monuments—including those created with the support of hunters and anglers."
I like you. It takes massive amounts of evidence/data to get my wife to admit that I'm right. ;) My dog almost always thinks I'm right!

Buried in all of this is the real controversy: Your wife actually admits you are right?

1_Pointer for POTUS.
Those of you still following Trump are a waste of time, especially if you stand with him on public land. You lack the ability to be objective and not put party before country, and there are many of you. Here is what the TRCP had to say about what Trump did. If you don't know who the TRCP are then go back to bed, but they have forgotten more about public land then you Trump followers ever will.

"Yesterday, President Trump announced his plans to use executive authority to reduce the size of Grand Staircase-Escalante and Bears Ears national monuments in Utah. The authority to modify national monuments lies with Congress alone, and this path throws into question the future of all monuments—including those created with the support of hunters and anglers."

Yadayadayada, what did you think the TRCP would come out and say? Maybe that they love Trump and everything he's doing, LOL! The two places he decreased yesterday should have never been as large as the two previous Presidents made them since they didn't follow the intent of the AA. If we only listened to the Native Americans we'd probably have every square inch of land from shore to shore under the AA designation since just about all the land any of their ancestors set foot on is considered sacred land to them!
Buried in all of this is the real controversy: Your wife actually admits you are right?

1_Pointer for POTUS.

This thread could be ended with one sentence, your signature. I almost feel honored someone of your "influence" would use part of one of my posts as a sig....almost.

P.s. thanks for the tweets, it's good for a laugh every time I wonder "how does the far left think the evil right has ruined the world today" #outrage #obsessionoftheleft
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I don't know where you live , jwp, but if it is somewhere in the west - I doubt you even know anybody who actually represents the "far left".
As to the people on this site - pretty sure the "far left" exists only as a figment of your and others imagination.
But please, continue to provide a voice of reason on all topics concerning hunters who prefer to hunt on their own and on public lands.
Yadayadayada, what did you think the TRCP would come out and say? Maybe that they love Trump and everything he's doing, LOL! The two places he decreased yesterday should have never been as large as the two previous Presidents made them since they didn't follow the intent of the AA. If we only listened to the Native Americans we'd probably have every square inch of land from shore to shore under the AA designation since just about all the land any of their ancestors set foot on is considered sacred land to them!

Why are you even on this site/forum, over the years you have never had a decent post. This whole site is based around public lands.... go spend more time on your right wing fringe websites.
Why are you even on this site/forum, over the years you have never had a decent post. This whole site is based around public lands.... go spend more time on your right wing fringe websites.

Here I thought it was to talk about hunting. I guess if folks shoot something on their own land or private land they should stop posting it... Maybe you can point me to the location where the site was based?

At current have the changes made had any affect on public access? I don't know, I haven't looked because honestly there are more important things going on in my life right now.
Someone mentioned no hunting in NP's, but I see this on the DOI website~There are 75 areas managed by the National Park Service that permit hunting. Must be Zinke lying again.:rolleyes:

Glad when I filled in the oval next to Donald J. Trump it wasn't based on public access.

Carry on...
Got my tinfoil hat on.Is the sky falling again???So next year,according to some on here,there will be very little hunting access due to all the natural gas and oil rigs.Where have I heard this before.Oh yeah,on here by the 3 or 4 same liberals that can't get over the fact that Hillary was unelectable.
So tell me if they want to start drilling or extracting natural resources don't you think there would be town hall meetings and ways to fight it.I think that's already been done too.
I didn't vote for Trump on his public land policies,and I didn't worry about Hillary view on it either.There's way more important matters that need to be taken care of in this country then for me to worry about and oil rig here or there on federal land.In my lifetime,I will NEVER have to worry about having federal land to hunt on.I'm way more worried about the liberal gun grabbers aka,Hillary, then I'll ever be about an oil rig that helps keep our country independant.You'd think you 3-4 liberals are riding around in a horse and buggy.Chances are you use way more energy then I do,yet hate how they have to get that energy.The reality of what happened is we lost nothing.It's still all federal land and all huntable.Let us know when that changes
Got my tinfoil hat on.Is the sky falling again???So next year,according to some on here,there will be very little hunting access due to all the natural gas and oil rigs.Where have I heard this before.Oh yeah,on here by the 3 or 4 same liberals that can't get over the fact that Hillary was unelectable.
So tell me if they want to start drilling or extracting natural resources don't you think there would be town hall meetings and ways to fight it.I think that's already been done too.
I didn't vote for Trump on his public land policies,and I didn't worry about Hillary view on it either.There's way more important matters that need to be taken care of in this country then for me to worry about and oil rig here or there on federal land.In my lifetime,I will NEVER have to worry about having federal land to hunt on.I'm way more worried about the liberal gun grabbers aka,Hillary, then I'll ever be about an oil rig that helps keep our country independant.You'd think you 3-4 liberals are riding around in a horse and buggy.Chances are you use way more energy then I do,yet hate how they have to get that energy.The reality of what happened is we lost nothing.It's still all federal land and all huntable.Let us know when that changes

Doubling down on your bar room talk?
Regardless of your thoughts on the review, and this administration, it's pretty easy to find some humor in the fact the SOI actually put forth some fact-checking. This administration routinely seems to operate quite loosely on approximate facts.
Who determines what is fact.
'Course asking questions leaves open the specter of answers. And in the end - "no minds have been changed"..........................
The only safe questions are about bullets, boots, and binocs.

Of which the answers in order are:

Noslers AB's and Partitions, Hornady GMX, Federal Trophy Copper
Lowas and Whites

The above answers are facts.
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Pesky facts....

Who wanted the National Monuments shrunk? Who has the most to gain? Who were the biggest supporters of this process? Answer those questions and I think you have your answer about whether this is good, bad, or indifferent news for sportsman.

Also, most of those pesky facts were statements that are not even argued about on here. There was no mention about the prioritization of energy development on these landscapes.

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