PEAX Equipment

If it was you?


New member
May 23, 2016
Hardin, MT
So this morning I was sitting in my tree stand when a pheasant hunter came walking in. I asked if he had had any luck yet, and he hadn't. Now the area is about 100 acres between some private land and the river, and tends to be a pinch point. Instead of walking 20 yards out to the road and coming back from the other end he just passed on through. On the small chance that there were some deer bedding on the end, like they tend to do, his hunt would have continued, and he might have helped me. Am I expecting too much? If I had been on the ground I would have apologized and headed off onto the other 150 acres in the WMA.

I'm not mad that he was there, and it would have been cool to see him get something. It just seems like he could have tried to be less disruptive.
I would have gotten out of your way, but some folks don't care if they mess up your hunt. I've had other hunters see my headlamp in a tree before daylight and set up within bow range of me. I would never do something like that. I like to get away from people. It's a safety issue as much as anything.
Seems like kinda a dick move on his part, if it was me I would have asked you would I could do to help your hunt/ not be in your way. I've had similar experiences and coordinated with hunters successfully driven deer towards them in their stands.
Don't forgt to consider the possibility that he knows nothing of big game hunting and wasn't intentionally rude. My dads a great bird hunter but talk about something with four legs....
Was he a millenial?

Stupid comment and I hope it's for humor only, but pubic land is public land. Sometimes it helps you and sometimes not. Good luck. Now if it was private land I would have read him the riot act as you should know where you are.
No big deal for either party. I probably would have asked about continuing by, but can see where others wouldn't. Maybe you disrupted his plans.
I often see that big game hunters, usually in treestands, think they have priority over all other users for a particular area when they are there.
Accept it, hope that his presence helps and adjust accordingly.

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