Idaho Spring Bear


Well-known member
May 24, 2007
My son was lucky and drew a controlled bear tag in Idaho. Most of Idaho is OTC (which is great) but spot and stalk hunters have to complete with baiters and houndsmen. The controlled hunt is S&S only. We saw a good amount of bears. Some were too small or sows with some we couldn’t reach. We came into last weekend having made six stalks of which some the bears moved, one smelled us at the last moment before the shot and my son had missed two. Missing is a sore topic with my son. He’s been on a rifle club for four years, is an NRA Distinguished Expert rifleman and last year performed the best rifle shooting I’ve seen in my life on elk. Bears, however, give him the shakes.

We drive like maniacs Thursday afternoon to arrive for an evening hunt. We immediately see a good boar a mile away and go. The approach we pick was wrong and we never get close to the bear. Next evening we have three boars out in front of us. My older son guides my younger son within 168 yards of a big black boar. At the shot, the bear looked at them and ran away. They searched that night and all of us the next morning - no signs of a hit. It amazes me that a 300 pound bear can leave no tracks on muddy ground. My son spends the day dry shooting the rifle for practice.

Third evening found us back on our hill knob glassing for bears. As the witching hour approached, I spot a bear walking out to an onion patch. After a quick discussion, the boys decide to go while I watch the bear. Approach A is blocked and then do a swing for Approach B. An hour and a half after spotting the bear, they finally arrive in position. I’ve spent that time watching the bear be a bear. Eating, scratching, sitting like a dog and everything else a bear might do. Position A doesn’t work so the boys move closer. I’m watching over a mile away and see the bear jump and run for trees. As he approaches the trees I hear a boom. The boys call and say they can see the bear’s down. We celebrate and I hike in to help. We have a late night but get everything off the hill.

I’ve been many things in my life but hunting with my sons is the best part of it.



That's awesome Bryan. It was awesome getting a quick update picture soon after it happened!! Enjoy some awesome meat! Congrats to your son!!
Awesome Bryan! That is a fun unit.

Hopefully you guys didn't get wet from that rainstorm Sunday morning. I got SOAKED.
That takes some real perseverance to work past a couple of missed shots. Congratulations to the whole team.
Caribou Gear

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