Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Idaho or Montana Spring Black Bear

Find whatever airport has cheapest flights and car rentals then look at map of areas within a 120 or so miles of it. Then ask again about specfic areas we could probably be more helpful. Its easy to say mt or id but if you fly to boise or billings and only have couple days rules out other state due to distance and possible weather alone.
I’m looking hard at the salmon units and north of Boise. Really don’t need you guys to divulge your good spots, I understand having hunting spots as private as possible. I’ve learned a lot from the posts already, never calculated the challenge of other hunters using bait and hounds. Was looking at the bear density maps and wasn’t considering how thick the cover was and the difficulty glassing. Really do appreciate the help so far. My buddy is focusing on Montana and I’m looking into Idaho and we’re going to get together and compare notes in a few weeks and make a decision. We have backpacked together for a few weeks in the past, we’ll be prepared for weather and don’t mind roughing it one bit. What we like about the west is the solitude so that is why we choose to go in the backcountry. We’ll have a plan ABCD.... depending on what we are finding when we get there.

Another thing to think about is that the weekends will have more hunters out closer to the bigger cities.
Find whatever airport has cheapest flights and car rentals then look at map of areas within a 120 or so miles of it. Then ask again about specfic areas we could probably be more helpful. Its easy to say mt or id but if you fly to boise or billings and only have couple days rules out other state due to distance and possible weather alone.
Having been down the “Montana or Idaho” road, and having talked to some buddies in Montana, I’d pay attention to the rentals price as @ccc23454 mentioned. We were going to fly into Kalispell and rent a truck to save an hour or two of driving, but one of my buddies noted that we’d pay double for a rental in Kalispell compared to Spokane and he was spot on. Not gonna save you thousands of dollars, but may save you a couple hundred.
So in Idaho, what’s the hunting pressure like for spring bear as compared to mule deer season? I’m guessing much less but since I don’t actually know I thought I would ask.
So in Idaho, what’s the hunting pressure like for spring bear as compared to mule deer season? I’m guessing much less but since I don’t actually know I thought I would ask.
By bear season standards pretty busy around common roads due somewhat to videos and hype as previously mentioned. Its not deer season busy but nice weather weekends especially memorial day can be a zoo. Just speaking to some areas i hunt, others i dont know, maybe less. Weather is usually biggest issue and roads holding snow pack and drifts.
compared to deer season it is not busy as all. You will see more people out during the weekends and even more when the weather is nice.
Have you considered Washington? Very overlooked for bears.
Spring hunts are not otc though, and app fees for a non resident are very high, and a license must be purchased. But for an otc august / sept hunt id say washington should be on non residents radar
Look at harvests, some areas in ID have giant numbers killed in the spring in no bait or dog zones. That should tell you something.
I don’t know if you went? Report would be cool. If you haven’t I will say I love Idaho bear hunting as a resident but I would vote Montana for spot and stalk. Idaho bears get hammered with very long seasons bait and hounds. You would avoid a lot of baiting and houndsmen by backpacking though. If you haven’t gone I would go Washington in august if that time frame works. Time wise I would hunt Idaho if you choose Idaho that very last few days of may but better even first week of June. I think you said early may that’s too early in my opinion

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