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Idaho Hunting Politics


Active member
Jan 13, 2011
It looks as though the insane are still running the asylum in Boise. Apparently when the IDF&G commission listens to sportsmen instead of state legislators with SFW ties in regards to Governor's tags, points, landowners tags etc. the crooked legislators respond by pushing the Governor not to renew the commissioners appointments.

As some may recall in 2013 the legislators pushed by a smear campaign led by an "unknown" group that used the same volunteers and marketing style as SFW blocked the appointment of Joan Hurlock. Mark Doerr was then appointed, became commission chairman and listened to sportsmen instead of bowing to the SFW crowd. Now just over 2 years later he's out.

Will Naillon was appointed in 2012 and confirmed in 2013 when Hurlock was blocked. Naillon had a nack for telling like he saw it whether he thought it was politically correct or not. When the SFW tied legislators were attempting to add points and landowner tags to the fee lock legislation Naillon was instrumental in getting word of the back door axtions out to the sportsmen.

The IDF&G commission benefitted from both of them and the Governor's decision not to reappoint them reaks of dirty politics.

There is a petition to sign if you feel compelled and I suggest a call to the Governor's office.
Signed. Having attended several commission meetings, I got the overwhelming feeling that Doerr and Naillon were on the side of sportsmen and wildlife. Their removal smells awfully suspicious, considering certain state legislators have made it very clear that they are willing to go to great lengths to shove auction tags down our throats here in Idaho.

The entire concept of a commission is to keep politics OUT of wildlife management. Some of these legislators are world-class scoundrels.
Some of these legislative tools are coming up for reelection. Time to vote them out of office. Petition signed and sent.
Can someone provide a link to the meeting that had the vote on auction tags?

JR, I think you are asking about the IDFG Commission meeting regarding auction tags. If so, I was at that meeting on March 10 and here is how it went. The IDFG commission never actually had a vote, because the motion to add auction tags was not "seconded" by any commissioners. At a meeting several months earlier, Commissioner Blake Fischer had proposed issuing 5 auction tags. Commissioner Fischer's proposal was scheduled for discussion for the March 10 meeting and put up for public input in the weeks before the March 10 meeting.

In a way, that means the commission voted unanimously against commission tags. However, as I said, the motion never proceeded far enough to actually get a vote. It just died on the table. Several IDFG commissioners noted that public input from hunters had been overwhelmingly opposed to auction tags. Commission Naillon was the most vocal in reminding the commission that the public comments were opposed to the idea. On March 9, I attended a meeting in Boise to testify against the idea of issuing any auction tags. Several dozen other hunters also testified against auction tags. No hunters were there testifying for auction tags. During this whole process, the IDFG commission was well aware that the ID state legislature was trying to pass a bill to MANDATE the issuing of 12 tags. I was impressed that the IDFG commission did not give in to political pressures from the state legislature.

Just last night I was at a very informal get together with several BHA members and one of the IDFG commissioners. We got into some solid debates about the role of the IDFG commission and whether the commissioners have a duty to "negotiate" with the state legislature or if the commission should only base decisions on the input from biologists, hunters and anglers.
Nice article. The good news is it sounds like all the pressure we sportsman put on these clowns helps. Bad news is they still seem to get some of this chit through despite our best efforts.

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