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Idaho Buck


New member
Oct 27, 2014
Boise, Idaho
After scouting my area in August, I only turned up a few smaller bucks. Fast forward a few months and I get really distracted with chukar hunting with my one year old GSP.
I finally regain focus and started hunting more serious again. Thankfully chukar hunting had gotten my legs and lungs back into shape. After reaching my area I turned this guy up with a small bachelor group making their way out of a draw. I could tell through my spotting scope he was definitely a shooter so I raced the setting sun to get set up for a shot. About a one mile trek later and another 1k of elevation gain I set up for a 350 yard shot. Some people like to stare at the animal through the scope and calm themselves down before shooting but I waited about one second before pulling the trigger once he was in my scope. Solo hunting is always awesome until the pack out...Nothing like fighting to get free out of some bushes all by yourself at 2 AM. 3 Miles later I made it back to the truck and headed home (because I forgot my sleeping bag). Thankful for another year in the Frank Church without popping my truck tires. Only broke my exhaust off and blew my power steering pump this year!


The only selfie I'll ever take.


Just doing a euro mount so didn't worry about the cape.


Still a little ways out from tagging along.
Dude! Great Buck! General Unit bucks that size dont really come around too often. Congrats on getting it done, and getting out with most of your car...
Altitude Freak, welcome to HuntTalk, but dude, we have some work to do with those first two pictures!! :D

You've taken a fantastic buck, and to show him off, and prove how big he is you are supposed to get way back behind him in that first shot, forcing a perspective disjoint in the viewers brains. And the second picture you are supposed to extend your arms fully towards the camera, (and then the real pros add more enlarging trickery by not fully wrapping your hands around the massive bases, by keep your palm off the backside of the main beams).

Your third picture using the toddler for perspective skewing shows that you are capable of some good work on this matter.

Seriously, very nice way to drop in, stay around, it's pretty good here.
Congrats on a Great buck. The picture of your son and the buck is priceless!
Caribou Gear

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