ID deer hunt


Active member
Nov 13, 2012
Wife and I drew deer tags in ID again. We know the unit quite well as we have hunted it and scouted it quite abit over the last 6 years. We scouted a few trips this summer and hung a cam in a good spot that always has deer. Didn’t see a whole lot scouting as each trip was scorching hot and figured the deer were tucked away in the timber and shade. A scouting trip in early October I began to worry as I still was not seeing much at all, hiked into cam and there was nothing to get excited over. October 17 rolled around and I hunted solo for 5 days and spent countless hours behind the glass to turn up 7 does in one group and 25” 3x4 I passed on. Getting discouraged I decided to leave 2 days early. Following weekend I returned with the wife and she wanted that 3x4, so we glassed the area where they were from over a mile away and found them in same spot . We had a game plan for the morning hunt .

Got up early to make our way down the mountain to the benches the deer were on the night before and they were still there. There was a small knob blocking the bowl they were in, so we crept over and no deer! Moved a little further down and noticed they are right below us at 140 yards and no way to move or get her a shot. I noticed the buck was not the 3x4 it was a 3x2 now with the herd.They moved into a bottom and crossed onto another hillside and still there was no way to get the gun rested on the super steep hillside. We decided to just let them feed over the ridge and let them bed. This turned into a long day of looking for them. Found 4 of the does and never saw the buck !

Next am had us doing the same thing and like clock work the deer were back in the same spot, but today we hurried to them before they moved out of the bowl. We crept over the lip and they stood there at 220 yards feeding. Wife squeezed off a shot and the buck dropped. The real work began after that all uphill outta there. Hopefully Ill add to this story next week as I have a tag and will hunt the final 8 days.




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Iam back from my hunt. I spent a total of 14 days hunting it and it took a lot of effort to just turn up the buck i shot and allot of hours behind glass. For being a draw tag it was quite disappointing hunting with so few people and a struggle to just turn up a 100” buck . 2 days ago I turned up this buck in a hell hole with some does. While contemplating if I should go after him a really nice 3x4 came over the hill chasing does. I was committed now to go after him . I make down to them and see both bucks as I peak over cliff. The big 3x4 is 255 yards away bedded! I grab rifle and slide up to only see the does alarmed by something ! It’s 2 yotes stalking the does! They take off and big buck follows! I get a shot at 441 yards and shoot just under him! Sick about it I make my way over to double check for blood.. nothing . I decided to head over a saddle to see if I could turn him up and while sitting there eating and taking a break out steps a doe at 80 yards and I notice movement behind her and out steps the 4x4 . Rest is history and a very memorable 2 day packout of meat over 13 miles.
You’re blessed to have a hunting wife I’ve been trying to talk mine into it for years she just won’t.

Excellent bucks in gorgeous country with your soulmate. Can’t inagine how to make it better!?!?

Beautiful country! I can't remember when I was a young guy ever getting a deer, or rabbit for that matter, out of a place like that. I avoided those places. Although in my senior year of high school, a buddy came and got a few of us to help get a deer out that was maybe a hundred yards below where he shot it, took several hours! Was out with a cousin one time and he was showing me how flat his 270 shoot. Down below us a thousand yds or better was the Selietz River. He picked out a rock on the edge and shot it! It was close to straight down and all I could think was thank God that wasn't a deer! Out Elk hunting with a friend yesterday, I'm 71 and he's 68, and he got back in a couple miles, not terribly steep but two miles! Boy am I glad he didn't shoot one in there! I'm past 70 now and really getting to the point where I do not enjoy pulling out an animal. Drag a small deer about a mile and it will gain weight as you go! How do you guy's dot it???
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