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I wish Colorado had an option to....


Aug 13, 2015
I admit there could very well be reason they don't do it and I don't see it. But I wish Colorado (for 1) had an option to enter into the draw and reserve my points.

Here's the situation, I would like the opportunity to go hunt 1st season this year in a unit that I could mostly likely get drawn for with zero points. But if I prefer a preference point it needs to be my first choice on the application. That would mean the 1st season unit I would like to draw for would be my 2nd choice. But my odds of getting drawn go way down (or go away) if that 1st season unit is my 2nd choice.

I would like to have the option to reserve my existing points this year, that is not to use them AND not add to them, so I could to use them at a later date. And I could put in for a 1st season unit like I had 0 points and take my chances on getting drawn.

(I hope I explained that clear enough)

Is there clear reason that is not an offered option?
If that was an option your draw odds would go way down anyway as there would be tons of people doing that. Colorado has enough options already. If you are trying to save up for a unit just do an OTC tag
You'd see point creep skyrocket more than it already is if people could do that. I'd like to see points zero out ANYTIME someone hunts Colorado, OTC or draw.
Colorado used to do point banking where if you had more points than what the tag required you could draw and only lose the required points, plus one or two extra. All that did was hurt the people in the lower point brackets because someone with 7 points could draw in a 3 point unit and only lose 4 or5. It was a horrible deal. Then those people were already ahead in the points game next year.
Got It. I see point creep issue and it getting worse.
I got started elk hunting late (50's) so I'll never be able draw a primo unit.

Thanks for the feedback.

Has Co ever talked about going to a bonus point based system? Seems like that is the place that some other states (az for 1) have ended up. Certainly pros and cons for each.
So why bother with saving any points at all?

Well I believe I will still have "some hunt" left in me for a few years to come.

I guess I should clarify to say a "top premium unit" that is currently taking over 20 pts to draw. I should (hopefully) be able to accumulate enough pts to get drawn in a better unit for maybe a muzzleloader or rifle hunt. I could likely do that a couple times if it requires 4 5 or 6 pts as opposed to 20+.

Be Safe,
Kinda like a "have your cake and eat it too" thing, huh?

You don't have to burn a bunch of points to have a great hunt or shoot a great bull, I think that's a common misconception...
Check the reissue list when it comes out in Aug, and keep checking it every week, you might find the tag you are looking for, and it wont cost you any points.
Personally, I think the Colorado elk 1st season is the worst out of all of them. Just one idiots opinion though.
Check the reissue list when it comes out in Aug, and keep checking it every week, you might find the tag you are looking for, and it wont cost you any points.

Lots of changes to reissue this year. Check out the new regs booklet "What's New" page.
I want any CO tag to use your accumulated points for that species. Draw a tag? Lose points. Auction tag? Lose points. Landowner tag? Lose points. Exception, hold a leftover tag draw and those tags do not lose you points nor do OTC tags. Otherwise, go to zero.
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