I miss my buddy...


Well-known member
Nov 27, 2009
South East Colorado
Memorial Day is always a hard holiday for me.

This is my buddy Izzy. He always got on me about smoking and complained about how I stunk up his vehicle. He always listened to me and had advice about my marriage and was always quick with a joke in troubled times. He was supposed to have retired, but extended to deploy with us. He was a squad leader in Scout Platoon. He was married and the father of 6 kids. He was sitting in front of me the day we got hit the second time. He lost both legs from the knees down, his right arm, plus had inhilation burns. I kept him alive until we got the MEDEVAC flight about 45 minutes later, but he eventually died in Baghdad a couple hours later. His death still haunts me to this day. As a medic, I can understand and accept his death due to his injuries. As a friend, I can't. There's not a day that goes by that I wouldn't gladly trade places with him.
Dang John, that is heartbreaking. All I can say is it's because of guys like you and Izzy that we enjoy the freedoms we have. Thank you for your service. I hope you have a peaceful Memorial Day.
Sorry for your loss of a great friend. He sounds like he was a man of great character. It is always good for those of us who have not been in the military to hear some of the background information of those who have served and sacrificed so much on our behalf. Thank you for sharing with us. And thanks to all of those who have served.
John, thanks for your service, sorry for the loss of your friend.

Thanks to all who are serving or served in the past.
That's tough, John. I'm sorry. But thank you for your service - thanks to all who have served and those who still are. I am very thankful for the freedom we enjoy thanks to you all.
That's tough, Most of us have no idea what our service members sacrifice, including myself. Thank you for your service and sorry for your loss, may Izzy rest in peace.
Thank You for you service!! So sorry for the loss I cant imagine what you have gone through and are going through.
Thanks for your service John, and truly sorry for your loss of a great friend and fellow soldier. The loss of Izzy is something you will remember forever, but remember all of the good times and what a great man, father, and friend he was. Again thank you for your service and all of the other brave men and women who are serving their country.
John, those of us who have lost brothers in arms always carry a part of them with us. I hope you can find comfort in knowing that not only did you do your best for your friend, but in those hard moments he was lucky enough to be with someone that really cared about him. Through our memories and stories our buddies will never die. I will say a prayer for Izzy and you today. May God bless you, keep our friends with him and grant peace to their families.
Thanks everyone. I just have to say out of pride that I WASN'T a private in this pic. I was a Corporal at the time. Those of us that were lower ranks decided not to wear ranks around all the 'brass' in Baghdad so that we had less expected of us lol. Luckily we were only there for a couple of weeks before moving up to Taji. I actually made SGT 3 times (LOL), including when I retired. Have a blessed day, everyone...

Cushman, John, L. SGT US Army (RET)
Bless Your Friend and You. Thanks for Your service and everyone else that served, including My Dad who will be 93 in Sept. Not to many of those Guys from WWII left......BOB!
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Hate to see things like this but it is a great reminder for all. Thanks to both of you for your service.
Cushman, you are a hero to be there for him and the rest of the citizens in the US. Thanks for your time served. That took a lot to post what you did. Our thoughts and prayers are out for you and your lost buddy's family. Thank you again.
Wow, reading this leaves me pretty much without anything to say, but I'll try.

I'm sorry for your loss. I'm thankful for your service. I pray you'll find peace.
Thank you so much for your service and sorry for your loss. Its because of guys like you nad your friend we have the freedoms we do. Not enough gratitude.
Cush, you bring memorial day to our thoughts and hopefully to our hearts. Thank you.
CUSH- thanks for everything and I give thanks to your fallen brothers.
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