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I made a comment on Randy's hacked FB page. Got banned by FB within 30 seconds. Yet the spam remains


Active member
Aug 4, 2015

Ever since Randy's page has been taken over, I've made sure to report each spam post I've come across, as either spam, harassment or other category. After what must have be dozens of instances of reporting posts to FB, I have yet to receive an answer one way or another.

As an exercise in how seriously ass backwards FB's algorithm and standards are, I made a comment on one of the many spam posts that have taken over Randy's page. I used the term "white trash" in a comment on a hacked post, and was banned from FB within 30 seconds or so. I'd say "white trash" is a relatively innocuous term compared to all the horrible chit posted online. Especially in the context I posted it in. Some might even say I resemble that remark.

I guess FB disagrees.

Please excuse the spelling errors. I have fat thumbs and a short temper.

white trash.JPG
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So I appealed. Lets see where this goes. Without good hunting content, I have little reason to be on FB anyway, besides sending pictures of the kids to Grandpa. I can teach him how to email for that.

white trash 6.JPGwhite trash 5.JPG
Thanks, Dan. Appreciate your efforts. Sorry for the hassle it is causing you.

Still no progress, four days later. It is incomprehensible how they can force me to send everything short of my DNA sample to prove I am the owner/administrator of that business page yet not require the same of the folks who hacked me. And in the process let these punks have full reign of my page while FB security sits with their thumb in their ear and asks me for further verification, none of which I think they are even acting on.

I need to make a video of this.
i feel like you have a few senators cell phone numbers eh Randy?

shove that well earned weight around!
@Big Fin:

Several proofs. Link goes to Randy Newberg dot com which has your picture on landing page. Lots of proof of who you are on that page.

Second, the FB page header still has your info and banners for your supporters on it.

Photos are still there and has you, some of your crew including Beau in the images.

How can FB not determined that it was hacked and lock the page until resolution is made???
@Big Fin:

Several proofs. Link goes to Randy Newberg dot com which has your picture on landing page. Lots of proof of who you are on that page.

Second, the FB page header still has your info and banners for your supporters on it.

Photos are still there and has you, some of your crew including Beau in the images.

How can FB not determined that it was hacked and lock the page until resolution is made???
They have all of that and a lot more verification that has been provided. Bottom line is that they just don't care. That simple. It is not a priority for them.
Thanks, Dan. Appreciate your efforts. Sorry for the hassle it is causing you.

Still no progress, four days later. It is incomprehensible how they can force me to send everything short of my DNA sample to prove I am the owner/administrator of that business page yet not require the same of the folks who hacked me. And in the process let these punks have full reign of my page while FB security sits with their thumb in their ear and asks me for further verification, none of which I think they are even acting on.

I need to make a video of this.
I think their thumbs are a little south of their ears
Thanks, Dan. Appreciate your efforts. Sorry for the hassle it is causing you.

Still no progress, four days later. It is incomprehensible how they can force me to send everything short of my DNA sample to prove I am the owner/administrator of that business page yet not require the same of the folks who hacked me. And in the process let these punks have full reign of my page while FB security sits with their thumb in their ear and asks me for further verification, none of which I think they are even acting on.

I need to make a video of this.
No hassle and no apology needed. I'm all about a little peaceful civil disobedience to highlight a wrong.
I will never understand why FB, YT, et al are not considered a public utility and governed as such. Even with strong libertarian streak, it's easy to recognize a service that the vast majority of the public uses, but does not necessarily need. Kind of like power, gas, telephone, etc. Not that it would be a silver bullet for the current state of much, but holy cow, they're not even shy about coming out as a PsyOp tool these days.
I will never understand why FB, YT, et al are not considered a public utility and governed as such. Even with strong libertarian streak, it's easy to recognize a service that the vast majority of the public uses, but does not necessarily need. Kind of like power, gas, telephone, etc. Not that it would be a silver bullet for the current state of much, but holy cow, they're not even shy about coming out as a PsyOp tool these days.
FB is a waste of time. None of my kids or grandkids use it. I consider social media in general to be a waste of my precious time. I think the forums can be useful but there are always a few that want to get attention or be abrasive. Political rants, comments about religion or racial slurs are not good for business, regardless of someone's views. Of course I am assuming that the goal is to get sponsers.
I will never understand why FB, YT, et al are not considered a public utility and governed as such. Even with strong libertarian streak, it's easy to recognize a service that the vast majority of the public uses, but does not necessarily need. Kind of like power, gas, telephone, etc. Not that it would be a silver bullet for the current state of much, but holy cow, they're not even shy about coming out as a PsyOp tool these days.
Many moons back, my youngest informed of a desire to build an AR15 and had bought 2 stripped, poly lowers.
"Cool kiddo! Go for it!"
About 6 weeks later, "Dad, I've taken an assignment that is 18 months long! Take these AR15's and complete them!"
"Huh? ...but...but...but, I don't know HOW to assemble an AR?!"
"YouTube, dad! YouTube!"
After several trials and tribulations, I got the first one assembled.
That's been about 15 AR's ago and I consider myself quite an accomplished "assembler" (?).
I've got some of the kid's younger work mates coming to me wanting help in assembling an AR!

I've learned a lot from YouTube. I know there is a lot of foolish crap on YouTube, but portions of YouTube should have ".edu" on the end of the address!
I will never understand why FB, YT, et al are not considered a public utility and governed as such. Even with strong libertarian streak, it's easy to recognize a service that the vast majority of the public uses, but does not necessarily need. Kind of like power, gas, telephone, etc. Not that it would be a silver bullet for the current state of much, but holy cow, they're not even shy about coming out as a PsyOp tool these days.

The deregulation craze of the last few years has lead us to this.

I tend to view these sites less than utilities (that would be the net in general), and more of a pub or gathering place. Totally agree that regulation is necessary for the internet, but you ahve to make rule, laws & regulations that don't simply single out one app or website over others. If we are going to demand truth in advertising, etc, then let's do it for print & television as well. We've gone so far down the hole of "market freedom" that we're allowing ourselves to be lied too, manipulated and pushed around by people who only value profit. We've traded the yolk of government regulation for the chains of social media algorithms.

I deleted my twitter account. I'm about there on FB. I can't remember the last time I used my instagram account.
forums are useful because i'm gonna spend some time doing something while i'm at work that's not work no matter what

so yeah, forums
I deleted my twitter account. I'm about there on FB. I can't remember the last time I used my instagram account.

I had a Twitter for a while, but I deleted it. I think I have an Instagram but I’ve never used it.

I like Facebook and treat it as a blog of sorts. I self admittedly spend too much time on there, but have curated my friends and the things I follow to the point that it is my chief source of news and information. This Sunday I’m going out to breakfast with my folks and will be adding to the crowning achievement of my life - A Digital digital photo album of the chicken fried steaks of Montana. That alone will likely keep me on Facebook till I die of a grease-induced heart attack.

As to Randy’s issue, it is unfathomable to me that such a large site with such a large following has been under the control of some bastards we don’t know for almost a week now . Social media networks are a new thing relatively, but say none of them existed yet but we knew what we know now, they for damn sure would be more regulated as they came into existence. The fact that so many businesses have been built around them and would not survive without them makes them a public utility of some sort in my mind.

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