I just got to explain the Wyoming G&F draw to the wife.

I found out early on that with my wife you dont ask her permission to go somewhere to hunt you TELL her otherwise she will come up with an excuse to say no.
HAHA, I just had the same thing happen to me in February when the wife saw the debit card account and a deduction to Wyoming G&F for the elk draw. Glad I am not the only one!...And on a side note, I think she is over it now. She's talking to me anyway!
Being 54 years old and never married... I'm having trouble understanding this "permission & forgiveness" idea???

good luck to all
the dog
I hate the ask for forgiveness not permission mentality.
To each his own Just remember you reap what you sow.

If the wife walks in with a $1000 pair of boots on you are the one to blame.

Hope it all works out and good luck on the hunt.
Maybe that's part of the reason why I don't go on very many cool hunts and she doesn't have any 1000 dollar boots.
Well, I told her tonight during dinner about Alaska. She didn't flinch until I told her it was 10 days, and I fly out 4 days after I get back from 18 days in Montana.

She only yelled once...

Well, I told her tonight during dinner about Alaska. She didn't flinch until I told her it was 10 days, and I fly out 4 days after I get back from 18 days in Montana.

She only yelled once...

DustinF, you are my hero!!!
Well, I told her tonight during dinner about Alaska. She didn't flinch until I told her it was 10 days, and I fly out 4 days after I get back from 18 days in Montana.

She only yelled once...

Am I a douche, because my wife cuts the grass?

I bought her a new Toro as a house warming gift 6 years ago. She hasn't complained about it yet.

The Man, the Myth, the Legend...
The one I'll never live down is the year I drew for moose here in WA, she didn't find it too humorous because she just had twin boys that were born in March. Well on the first trip over I didn't see a bull worthy of shooting so that meant I had to go back. She wasn't happy at all. It's once in a lifetime though so I'm going to hold out for what I want. It's a good thing I shot my bull when I did on my second trip becuase that night I get a call that one of the kids has the flu as well as herself. It wasn't a warm reception the next afternoon when I got home and it took quite some time before she was over that one, but eventually she did get there.
I hate the ask for forgiveness not permission mentality.
To each his own Just remember you reap what you sow.

If the wife walks in with a $1000 pair of boots on you are the one to blame.

Hope it all works out and good luck on the hunt.
I bet the ask forgiveness and not permission thing is more common on the internet than in real life... :D

My dad told me something when I was in 8th grade that didn't really sink in until a few years later. And I quote, "Women have the most powerful thing on earth.".
Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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