I hope the Patriots win.


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2009
I know this isn't about hunting on a thread that isn't about hunting. I am rooting for Tom Brady and the Patriots to kick the shit out of the gifted (gifted call) Rams. I've never cheered for the Pats before. Go New England. mtmuley
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I’m just happy to be able to still tell Chiefs fans they haven’t won a Super Bowl since the Beatles were still together.
I don't dislike the Rams, but they shouldn't be in the Super Bowl. Go New England.
Pats ftw.

The game that really fit Superbowl worthy attention was the Pats vs Chiefs.
The OT rule is a joke! Though due to NFL Commission, it is what it is.
That was epic! The first full year amazing rookie, Mahomes and the multi Superbowl veteran, Brady fit a true battle! Both with extremely loyal teammates... That was the Superbowl. This is just the commercial bowl.
Goff is a pug.
The NFL cannot seem to quit standing on it's genitalia...sketchiest outcome since Dez's call bailed out the Packers.

...how about it mtmuley....double or nothing? I'll take the Rams even up.
I know this isn't about hunting on a thread that isn't about hunting. I am rooting for Tom Brady and the Patriots to kick the shit out of the gifted (gifted call) Rams. I've never cheered for the Pats before. Go New England. mtmuley

Tom Brady has been on the receiving end of so many gifts it's impossible to tally them all.

To Rams!

Hoping the Rams win, it don’t really care too much as long as it’s a competitive game. Mostly just tired of Saints fans whining. Obviously the missed call was bad, but to boil the whole game down to that is crazy. There were other missed calls earlier in the game in the Saints favor. Also, as the article below shows, the Saints had very poor end game clock management. And finally, in OT, do like Brady and march down field for the win instead of throwing a pick.

The NFL cannot seem to quit standing on it's genitalia...sketchiest outcome since Dez's call bailed out the Packers.

...how about it mtmuley....double or nothing? I'll take the Rams even up.

I'm still bitter and pissed off about that "no catch". Yeah double. One of these days you and me need to meet up. mtmuley
Tom Brady has been on the receiving end of so many gifts it's impossible to tally them all.

To Rams!

I'm not a Brady fan, but perhaps you could tally a few of his gifts? The tuck rule was of course. mtmuley
I'm not a Brady fan, but perhaps you could tally a few of his gifts? The tuck rule was of course. mtmuley

Of course. It all starts with the tuck rule. I don't know if it is favoritism for Brady or for the Patriots in general (e.,g Spygate). Doesn't really matter.

Then of course, just about any roughing the passer call. You don't want to look directly at Brady when playing against him. Always good for, "15 yds and a automatic First Down!"
Of course. It all starts with the tuck rule. I don't know if it is favoritism for Brady or for the Patriots in general (e.,g Spygate). Doesn't really matter.

Then of course, just about any roughing the passer call. You don't want to look directly at Brady when playing against him. Always good for, "15 yds and a automatic First Down!"

That's baloney. I stated I'm not a fan, but what Brady and Belichick have done is unprecedented. I want to hate them, but as a sports fan, I recognize the achievements. mtmuley
Okay, if you say so. I don't really care enough to argue.

I never said they weren't good, or that Brady wasn't excellent. I said they and he get the benefit of the doubt. A lot. Sadly, they don't really need it.
Just for comparison. Imagine the crying out of Boston if the Pats had lost on the bad call that, instead, the Saints lost on. The fans and the media would make the Saints whining sound like a Who down in Whoville.
That “tuck rule” was some serious bullshit...same result though. A team went to the super bowl undeserving. Oh well, time marches on.
That's baloney. I stated I'm not a fan, but what Brady and Belichick have done is unprecedented. I want to hate them, but as a sports fan, I recognize the achievements. mtmuley

This is the only way a true sports fan should feel
I'm a lifetime Buffalo Bills fan so rooting against the Patriots is gospel no matter what. Patriots vs. Godzilla....go go Godzilla. Patriots vs. Antichrist.....go Antichrist. So even tho the Rams shouldn't be there go Rams!
That's baloney. I stated I'm not a fan, but what Brady and Belichick have done is unprecedented. I want to hate them, but as a sports fan, I recognize the achievements. mtmuley

You will never see in your lifetime another combination of coach-QB that will even come close to what these two have accomplished. They have done all this with so many combinations of players that it is almost unbelievable. Sit back and enjoy the ride you are watching history being made in football that may never be repeated.

As a life long Broncos fan the above is hard for me to acknowledge but having played the game for many years I fully appreciate what it takes to be a repeat winner , let alone a multiple repeat winner.
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