I got a BEAR!!


Well-known member
Jan 23, 2008
Eastern Idaho
Not really that excited about it, but here is the story. Got a late start today and left Idaho about 8 pm headed for Helena MT and my Navy Reserve weekend at Ft Harrison. As I am rolling about 75 mph between Butte and Helena about midnight, BAM. Dead bear, Dead car. I barely kept it on the road, then pulled over as steam and loud unnatural noises come from the car. Call the highway patrol and tell them I hit a bear ( mile marker 140, just north of Elk Park ). An hour later a trooper shows up, and I tell him I hit a bear. He says no way, must have been a dog ( look at the picture of my car, what kind of dog does that kind of damage? ). So he tells me get all my info together while he drives back a half mile and moves the various pieces of my car off the interstate. He comes back and says, "Yup, it was a bear and you killed it". Now, several hours later, I am sitting at a Dennys in Butte at 0230 hanging out with the post bar crowd, waiting for my wife to drive up from Idaho. I still have to go to Helena, and am hoping to get a picture of the bear when it gets light. But for now, this is the only photo I got......


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Glad you are alright! Serious stuff there... considering other outcomes!
Thanks, I was just thinking about that. An elk would have been a whole different story, I bought this Hyundai Accent to save on gas, but saving gas doesn't seem that important right now.
Found him. What a shame, was a great looking bear.


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Glad you are ok and hope you make it to Helena. And you are right that looks like a nice bear. I was expecting that bear to be in far worse shape after reading you were going 75 and seeing the damage on your car.
Like all have said, glad you escaped without injury. That could have been a bad deal.

That looks like a huge bear. No wonder it did so much damage to the car.
Wow, bet that woke you up in a hurry.
Glad your car took all the hurting and not yourself.
Well your car's paint looks like a dark honey color. Poor bear probably thought he had hit the motherload.;)

Glad you're ok. Could've been alot worse. Vehicles can be replaced, people can't.
No luck, trooper said F and G would come get it. It was gone when I headed south this afternoon. I think it had some pretty significant damage on the other side based on the hair, hide and flesh matted into my car.