NEW SITKA Ambient 75

I dont know what I would do without my full sized pickup truck

Anyone else pick up on how the same people who complain that the government doesn't spend it's money wiser, also don't care about practicality in their own lives? Kinda a pot and kettle example, where they apparently can't recognize that the government is made up of actual people, many like them, who don't actually care about practicality.
Anyone else pick up on how the same people who complain that the government doesn't spend it's money wiser, also don't care about practicality in their own lives? Kinda a pot and kettle example, where they apparently can't recognize that the government is made up of actual people, many like them, who don't actually care about practicality.
"Vote WLLM for Senate, he hates your Truck and your BMW, your tax dollars are safe with this tightwad"

It's a bit verbose... need harley to harley it...
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Anyone else pick up on how the same people who complain that the government doesn't spend it's money wiser, also don't care about practicality in their own lives? Kinda a pot and kettle example, where they apparently can't recognize that the government is made up of actual people, many like them, who don't actually care about practicality.
My comments are made in jest, and in self-deprecating humor attempts...hopefully that comes through!

I make TONS of impractical choices (most of us do) and willingly accept the consequences. Hence post #2.
Anyone else pick up on how the same people who complain that the government doesn't spend it's money wiser, also don't care about practicality in their own lives? Kinda a pot and kettle example, where they apparently can't recognize that the government is made up of actual people, many like them, who don't actually care about practicality.
Spending your money vs someone elses.
My comments are made in jest, and in self-deprecating humor attempts...hopefully that comes through!

I make TONS of impractical choices (most of us do) and willingly accept the consequences. Hence post #2.
Hence why I don't rag on the govt because they don't spend money the exact same way I would.

But yes, my comment was in jest (a bit) too, but also practicing my trolling.
Some person with 2 bankruptcies, leveraged to the hilt, with a gold plated toilet.

"Oh yeah they are definitely going to spend my tax money well."

Nobody's gonna spend your tax money well, cuz it's just, that your money. If you didn't earm it it's irrelevant. Back to pick up trucks....
Nobody's gonna spend your tax money well, cuz it's just, that your money. If you didn't earm it it's irrelevant. Back to pick up trucks....
IMHO this is inaccurate. There are absolutely those that work in public service who feel like it's their role to spend that money wisely.

They just seldom make the news and/or aren't popular because they are boring/ wonky folks. #makegovnerdyagain
IMHO this is inaccurate. There are absolutely those that work in public service who feel like it's their role to spend that money wisely.

They just seldom make the news and/or aren't popular because they are boring/ wonky folks. #makegovnerdyagain

Yeah, but both of them are locked in the back room and given no info so they don’t screw up the 99.999% of reckless spending.
IMHO this is inaccurate. There are absolutely those that work in public service who feel like it's their role to spend that money wisely.

They just seldom make the news and/or aren't popular because they are boring/ wonky folks. #makegovnerdyagain
95% of our largest clients are municipalities, counties, and utility districts. The VAST majority of managers are acutely aware of and take great pride in the responsibility they hold when spending tax payer dollars. Those that think otherwise are simply wrong, have drank the koolaid, and believe the FB memes.
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