Yeti GOBOX Collection

Hunttalk makes it on Elkshape. You keyboard warriors! Lol

They're shitty parents
They have such shitty jobs/work ethics they can't afford houses... Or kids
They do zero volunteer work
They're divorced, alone in an apartment while the kids are at their mom's
They think heat comes from a furnace and groceries come from the store
Man, I truly love to hunt so because of that I watch a good bit of hunting videos on YouTube. I couldn’t have described myself any better.
Interesting. I watched about 40 minutes. I confess I don't know who those guys are. Help me out? I went to the linked website in the video description and it appears that the main host is Dan. I didn't see a last name anywhere. He has had Cam's cell number since like 2006 though, so he's clearly someone I should know.

I have your number, feel like I hit my peak in the "Hunting Celebrities You Know" arena...
So I actually listened to the whole episode in order to grasp the entire point they're trying to make (bold move I know 😅). Just gonna be totally honest, they made some really good points. There will always be bad apples who give hunters a bad look, and we should address that behavior, but I believe it can be done without a slug fest of insults, and all of us can find common some common ground. It requires all sides of the issues to make some concessions and admit they might not be 100% right about everything

You were the tattle tale in grade school huh?
They're shitty parents
They have such shitty jobs/work ethics they can't afford houses... Or kids
They do zero volunteer work
They're divorced, alone in an apartment while the kids are at their mom's
They think heat comes from a furnace and groceries come from the store

Ouch! Sometimes I watch one while I'm eating lunch at home, but it might take two lunches to get through a 25-minute video...Sounds like you might think I'm a bad person though 🤣
They're shitty parents
They have such shitty jobs/work ethics they can't afford houses... Or kids
They do zero volunteer work
They're divorced, alone in an apartment while the kids are at their mom's
They think heat comes from a furnace and groceries come from the store
Here's one to add to your list.

They have over 10k posts on a hunting forum so clearly spend a lot of their free time on here...

I love hunting, so naturally I consume hunting content when I'm not out hunting... Magazines, books, tv shows, youtube videos, etc.
Ouch! Sometimes I watch one while I'm eating lunch at home, but it might take two lunches to get through a 25-minute video...Sounds like you might think I'm a bad person though 🤣
sorry, that came off a bit salty. I'm still recovering from the holidays.

Seriously though, I've never figured out how people find time watch TV or in this case hunting shows. I mean I might squeeze one in per weekend, either in the morning or evening. And even then it's only a 1/2 hr show.
Didn't that idiot get in trouble for riding a dirt bike behind closed gated on wilderness or something?

This is me asking, not saying. I read that he was in the spotlight for doing something stupid. Maybe it was one of his buddies and not him.

Either way, birds of a feather.
The archery shop owner wants to get hunting participation to 20% from the current 4% of the US population. Where will all these folks hunt? Would be good for a business owner though.
Honestly if I were him id be pushing on the competition side and get people competing. Those freaking target bows are EXPENSIVE!
The archery shop owner wants to get hunting participation to 20% from the current 4% of the US population. Where will all these folks hunt? Would be good for a business owner though.
Friend of mine has a funny story about him getting super pissy with one of the bow manufacturers he sells when my friend wanted to be a dealer and blocking my friend from becoming a dealer. So much for wanting to grow the sport
Well, I had the time to waste, so I made it all the way thru the podcast. Not a whole lot of anything was accomplished.

I do think any thought of growing hunters to 20% of the population is wildly unrealistic. Not that I do not think hunting is likely the purest human endeavor there is. It is because the amount of habitat available for wild game can not support anywhere near that large a hunting population.

I think we are better served to always reflect whether our conduct, in the field, or way from the field, shows that hunting and hunters are good stewards and fellow citizens.

I'll be grateful that I'm old enough to not know who any of those guys are.
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