Hunttalk.coms Hostil Takeover !!!

Moosie is "da Man!"

Well, Moosie has told you all about the changes. Regardless of what he says, it really was the panties, and if he fails to continue posting here, the "Hunt Expo Panties Gone Wild" video will be playing on Hunttalk. He will still be the Grand Poopa, or anything else he wants to be.

Moosie has built something very special. A tribute to a very special guy, and as I learned over the past couple days, a character of the Nth degree.

When he told me he was thinking of possibly letting Hunttalk drift of into the deep blue yonder, I told him I would be willing to step in his shoes and try to do keep things up as well as they have been.

Hunttalk is the coolest site on the web, due to Moosie and all of you. There was no way I wanted this place to dwindle away. The most hard core guys I know hang out here. You can fight and argue all you want, and unless it is something waaaaay out of bounds, no one is going to get banned.

Not much will change, and hopefully all changes will be for the better. The goal is to make Hunttalk "the" place for serious hunters. If you are too sensitive to have a good debate, there are many other places on the web to keep you from being offended.

If you are interested in hanging out with some hardcore guys who know what they are talking about, you already know that this is the place.

Del and Moosie have told me of the headaches of spammers, server protection, and other issues that are mostly back-end things that users don't have to worry about. We are going to upgrade the software to help with some of that. That is a bit of a pain, as it does cost more money than I thought it would, and the new software has some changes in its appearance and layout. But, should not be anything significant.

As many of you know, I am trying to get the outdoor networks to air my television series. If they don't take the bait, Hunttalk will be the distribution channel where the show is aired. You will see it here first. And, if the networks do pick it up, it will be webcasted here, as soon as the network contract will allow such.

We have built a very cool video player that will be an "add on" to the site, so you can watch some neat footage. Just what all features we will add with the video player, I am not yet sure.

For sake of keeping things vibrant and useful, we may drop some categories that don't get many posts. We will probably add a couple others to see if they are of more interest.

Whenever changes are coming, announcements will be made. Feedback will be greatly appreciated, whether good or bad.

If anyone treats me any differently than they have in the past, you will get thrown off the site. So I expect to be ridiculed when I can't figure out how to post a poll, told when I am being an ass, and all other things that make this the kind of place we have grown to love.

So, thanks to Moosie for all the work he has done to make Hunttalk the best place around. And many thanks to the mods and Del. You guys keep it rollin'. I know I speak for Moosie when I say that you and the Hunttalk users are the reason Hunttalk is such a great place.

Please carry on as you have. Bring some friends by to visit, and keep the good stories, pictures, and debates coming.

Thanks again Moosie. I hope I can do the job that Hunttalk deserves.
Moosie dun did Big Fin sum learn'n.......he clean'd dun jumped past poll's straight to upgrades. :D
I can't believe you handed over to a guy not smart enough to do a poll!

He's already forgot more than you'll ever know! I hope you were joking. Randy is one of the smartest and trustworthy people I know and I'm sure this site is going to continue running on all cylinders and then some. As much as I want to see his series on the web, I hope were watching it on a tv show first.
oh chit. Big Fin has a body guard already!!!:eek:

Big Fin, now that you are "THE MAN", does that mean I have to talk nice about the vikings?;):D
Big Fin, now that you are "THE MAN", does that mean I have to talk nice about the vikings?;):D

Moosie is still "Da Man." He is in charge of giving people the boot.

Talking bad about the Vikings, is OK for anyone other than those who live in WI, IL, and MI. If your team in is the NFC North, no bad Viking comments allowed. :mad:

Actually, talk about them all you want. Wife grew up in Pittsburgh and is borderline rabid about her team, so I am kind of numb to the harassment about my Viqueens.

What a curse to be born a Viking fan. The good part is that you would rather be hunting, as you know the end result of watching the Vikings game will be something as disappointing as watching your wife run off with a professional midget wrestler.

Calm down Lawnboy. I called him last night to see if he was OK. Deal is, he's building a new house, and his wife told him that if he gave her enough budget to furnish it the way she wanted, he could hunt any time, any where, for any species. I was trying to coach him into taking that deal, but he was pretty wound up over that dilemma.

I am sure most any guy would take that offer, so I am not sure why he is struggling with that one. It was the deal I made with my wife, and life has been grand ever since.

Keep joking around here, and if you don't joke around, Moosie will probably toss you off here. Lawnboy is one of the most laid back guys I know, so I am sure once he gets his furniture deal squared away, he will find humor in most everything. :D
Dang Moosie, I'll bet a dime to a donut that you didn't even talk to your loving coulpe in Texas. Just think wouldn't it be nice to start with a breakfast and a Happy Bithday post too. We could of even had a prayer forum hump HA HA HA HA HA

Congrats BigFin..

I joked about it before and I still am. Forgot the smiley face. Thanks for taking over Big Fin. Hope Moosie gives you a little of that 1000.00 check I sent him.

Opps,almost forgot again.:D:D:D
I've got two questions..

1. Does that pot go with the website?

2. Will Big Fin deliver better on the chevy trucks than Moosie did?

Well, they probably weren't very good questions anyway.
I've got two questions..

1. Does that pot go with the website?

I told Moosie to keep the pot. If it of some value, I will demand it. Since he quit drinking, he did give me a big box full of Hunntalk beer steins. Trade bait for something, just not sure what.

2. Will Big Fin deliver better on the chevy trucks than Moosie did?

What did Moosie commit to deliver on? Did I purchase some undisclosed obligation here? :confused:
What did Moosie commit to deliver on? Did I purchase some undisclosed obligation here? :confused:

Let's just say you'll be needing to cross the border near Juarez into Mexico a couple of times a month for the next year ;)

Congrats to both BF and Moosie. This is like my home away from my homepage.
I dont know about anyone else but this deal made me feel kinda dirty.
Good dirty like leaving the gentleman's club or bad dirty like taking a deuce in a 7/11 bathroom?

a combination of the two......prolly should of used the word filthy.
PEAX Trekking Poles

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