Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Hunting Public Land Elk!


Active member
Apr 10, 2011
Hunting bull elk on public land is no gimme or an easy task to say the least. With more & more hunters out there wanting to hunt these great animals it's no wonder they get educated. It's up to us as hunters to understand what makes elk tick? We need to know when to Stalk/Ambush elk & with no calling. We need to know when to call & what sounds are best depending on the encounter at hand! We need to know the best times & what wallows are best to hunt considering time of month & day? These is especially so for archery elk hunters but can also apply to rifle hunts!

We need to establish a herd bull or satellite by appearance or by sound. You cannot work both with the same techniques & calls with any decent level of success, they must be worked differently. Herd bulls hang-up much more so than Satellites. You shouldn't use intimidating sounds towards satellites under most encounters. You can & should against herd bulls when everything is right & in your favor! Closeness is key! One must be very selective when calling his way to a bugling bull, you will bump him more times than not if situation is wrong.

Knowing these basic things & other sounds so you can understand what's happening when one is fortunate enough to hear these animals is very important, as you may only have a few close encounters each year. Knowing what to do & handle each one accordingly is crucial to ones consistent success! To take full advantage of every opportunity one has to be knowledgeable & on his A game, if not, the elk will win most every year! By educating ones self & not the elk we can stack the odds in our favor more so than the other way around! It's a continual learning process & a school no one ever graduates from!

Paul - Post up a link to your Playbook, so people can order it and get some great information that helps with these kinds of encounters.
Rockydog, I did mention a while back about that hunt. Not sure what you mean about your "stuff" though? We didn't get there till Oct. 6th, it was snow & rain, mostly snow for the time frame, not the best for archery hunting elk. We left at the end of the 3rd day, I did not fill the tag but that's elk hunting at times!

. Not sure what you mean about your "stuff" though?


You refer to your calling as the playbook. We refer to your calling as "Elk Nuts stuff" ;) :D Joking of course.

Your link has the whole playbook there to view. Did you mean to post the whole thing or a link as to where we could buy it?
I've found that calling as little as possilbe is the best idea on most public areas unless you want to call in a raghorn. Even where they're pressured, young bulls will run into a squeak. Have also noticed that the largest bulls I've ever seen on public, at the time I saw them during the season, sounded like pipsqueaks. Just what I noticed.
Rockydog, I did mention a while back about that hunt. Not sure what you mean about your "stuff" though? We didn't get there till Oct. 6th, it was snow & rain, mostly snow for the time frame, not the best for archery hunting elk. We left at the end of the 3rd day, I did not fill the tag but that's elk hunting at times!


I can fill up a 1000 page "Playbook" on things that don't work on Root elk. I'm still looking for that lost canyon in the Valley of the Root, that time forgot, and the golden sound that only I know and the biggest bull that walks the Root can't keep away from.

The only thing I know for sure with elk, is after I figure something out, they change things up, and I go back to trying something else. The only constant with elk, is the fact that the hunting will be inconsistent..:eek:
Amen to the advice on this thread.

One thing that helps me is I try and take the attitude of "adapt and overcome" because like shoots says things are always changing.
Elknut i simply meant your playbook "stuff". thanks for posting about your mt hunt. I only ever read your post saying you were coming over here but was curious to know how it went.
Holy mole...the link is sick, thanks for posting fellas. Flipping through and skimming, it is fun to think and reflect on your expertise and my failed stalks, now knowing better why the bull bumped..... hung up ..... took his ladies and took off, etc.
Cool stuff man! Thanks again.
Lawnboy, the PlayBook link only shows 4-5 pages in the beginning, middle & end, that's how our editor has it setup! Thanks for noticing though! (grin)

RockyDog, ahh, gotcha, I like that phrase "ElkNut Stuff" (grin) Never heard that one before!

Guys, I appreciate your comments & your viewpoints! All you guys basically have the same line of thought & issues with elk that we all hunt, it doesn't matter where you hunt! Areas that are hammered by both hunters & wolves are no doubt tougher than those without! This is the reason for the info that I share as a whole!

Whether you are like the majority of elk hunters that just want to kill or have an opportunity at "any elk" or you are just after a respectable representation of the area hunted, all can be a challenge especially on regularly hunted OTC units! Your thoughts about elk talk or tough to call elk are what hunters experience in every western state, this is not just isolated to MT or the roots alone! We hear this same reasoning right where we live here in West Central ID & for a good reason too. The success rate here is 6%-10% now that's not great odds starting right out of the gate & you can bet tons of guys are saying the same thing here as in any state where elk hunting is tough!

This is where the info we share comes into play, as DIY Public Land hunters like most here we recognized that we too had to evolve in our thinking & strategies as the elk continued to do so for their own survival. Years ago we could call in bulls fairly easily & repeatedly, those easy callins are few & far between nowadays. We realized to continue to be successful as a whole or consistently that things had to change on our part! This is where understanding their language for the most part made a huge difference! It has changed our way of approaching encounters on an individual basis.What may work on one bull may not work on another, so it's up to us to know what those differences are & what the elk want. An elks language is universal, it doesn't change anywhere or from species to species. There is a reason why a bull will give off moans, huffs, squeals & the like as well as the big Classic bugles that most of us are accustomed to hearing on TV or even in the elkwoods depending on the phase of the rut! Big bulls don't only make big sounds, they will use whatever sound needed to communicate at that time. No more that a big 300# man always screaming & yelling, he can easily adjust his tone to fit an occasion.

Our success with the use of this info is solid proof in the last 21 years of elk hunting on some of the toughest turf around to elk hunt. All DIY OTC public land hunts. I will say we have taken 6 bulls on draw tag public land hunts, all other elk were taken on OTC DIY hunts between the 5 of us we are 95% in those last 21 years in many different states. My son (33) has taken 18 elk with his bow & several more with a rifle, I have had the privilege to be there on nearly every elk & have called in nearly all of them, he too has brought many in to myself as well. The cool thing about taking elk these days is we know why we got them & what it took to maneuver a situation into our favor!

We will employ what ever method of use will give us the very best odds per encounter, at times it is shut down all calling & go into stealth mode, but we do find that in most situations that some sort of calling is needed to "Seal The Deal" The PlayBook & DVDs go into detail to help all of us to decipher what some of those situations are to help ones make the best possible decision in crunch time!

Nothing works 100% of the time but we can increase our odds tremendously by making right decisions when needed & not just guessing & hoping. Yet, there are still times we screw it up! (grin)

Hunting bull elk on public land is no gimme or an easy task to say the least. With more & more hunters out there wanting to hunt these great animals it's no wonder they get educated. It's up to us as hunters to understand what makes elk tick? We need to know when to Stalk/Ambush elk & with no calling. We need to know when to call & what sounds are best depending on the encounter at hand! We need to know the best times & what wallows are best to hunt considering time of month & day? These is especially so for archery elk hunters but can also apply to rifle hunts!

We need to establish a herd bull or satellite by appearance or by sound. You cannot work both with the same techniques & calls with any decent level of success, they must be worked differently. Herd bulls hang-up much more so than Satellites. You shouldn't use intimidating sounds towards satellites under most encounters. You can & should against herd bulls when everything is right & in your favor! Closeness is key! One must be very selective when calling his way to a bugling bull, you will bump him more times than not if situation is wrong.

Knowing these basic things & other sounds so you can understand what's happening when one is fortunate enough to hear these animals is very important, as you may only have a few close encounters each year. Knowing what to do & handle each one accordingly is crucial to ones consistent success! To take full advantage of every opportunity one has to be knowledgeable & on his A game, if not, the elk will win most every year! By educating ones self & not the elk we can stack the odds in our favor more so than the other way around! It's a continual learning process & a school no one ever graduates from!


One of the strangest writing styles I have ever read.
I just ordered the playbook also. Reading the sample ElkNut posted sucked me in. I will be going on my first elk hunt next year and can't wait.
"It's not the critic who counts......"

Especially in this case, LOL! I thought it was very well written and to the point IF you've done much elk hunting!
"It's not the critic who counts......"

Especially in this case, LOL! I thought it was very well written and to the point IF you've done much elk hunting!

I have done a fair amount of elk hunting. I have no idea how this sentence can be called anything other than strange.

These is especially so for archery elk hunters but can also apply to rifle hunts!

What is the pronoun referring and is it for hunters or hunts?
I have done a fair amount of elk hunting. I have no idea how this sentence can be called anything other than strange.

What is the pronoun referring and is it for hunters or hunts?

Nice to see you posting again Jose! If only bighorn ram was around,,,,,,,ahh the memories!