Caribou Gear

hunting ear protection. example walkers game ears


Jul 28, 2015
I was wondering if anyone has any experience using some sort of hearing protection used while hunting. Most of the time its not feasible to put in ear plugs or muffs before taking a shot at a game animal. I'm 35 and feel like I need to save my hearing. I've seen guys use super high end custom noise canceling ear plugs in duck blinds but I was wondering if the cheaper non-custom hearing enhancement/noise canceling plugs worked at all? like the Walkers Game ears HD. or do you need to spend $600+ on higher quality plugs?
I don't know about the Walker's Game Ears HD, but I use the Walkers earmuffs in the duck blind and plan may use them on the prairie this year. What a difference compared to not using anything. I personally don't think that they are necessary on a big game hunt because the number of shots should be very low. My hunting partner uses the high-end high quality plugs and can pick up the sounds of ducks and identify them by species before we even see them. And they protect his ears better than my muffs. If budget matters, as it does to most of us, I would get the muffs and put them in my pack if they become cumbersome.
An audiologist would disagree about the need for them on big game hunting... just one shot does damage. I've used Westone custom passive plugs for about 14 years. Since they are custom fit you don't have to wait for them to expand so it takes a second to put them in and you are ready to go. They are pricey, about $150.

The only issue I've had is that it is impossible to communicate by whisper when you are ready to shoot. I came across this when taking my son hunting. I'd put them in and he'd put on his muffs. Then he'd ask if was ok to shoot. I couldn't hear the question and he couldn't hear the answer! We got some electronic muffs for $50 and they work great, but they are bulky and I'm not sure how they'd work in the wind.

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