PEAX Equipment

Hunt Talk Bear Hunt Episode 5

Well I'm in town getting gear dried. My tipi took a swim because my genius put it in a low spot. Now I dropped my phone in a puddle and it is screwed up! But once this place clears up I think the bears will be moving

Quigley speaks turkey language.

That is a great picture Schaaf. It looks like you are off to a start of another stellar season.
This thread is in stark contrast to the woe is me -fest going on elsewhere regarding the rain. ;)

Nice work boys. Keep after it!
Bummed we couldn't make it, hopefully next year! Love seeing all of the photos. Looks like you guys are having a great time, minus all of the rain.
The last of the HuntTalkers left camp around noon yesterday. Things were soggy as I left. Our last evening was uneventful. Sadly bears were hard to predict due to the wild swings in temperature and rainstorms.

When I get a moment I'll post some pictures and a write-up.
I think those that are left are either looking for high ground or too soggy to post.

A great group of people. Fantastic wild "surf 'n turf" type dinners from boar to fresh caught salmon.
There were several sightings though just out of reach. 1 bear down and a gobbler.
Schedules had us a bit spread out this year and the remaining few found mother nature pouring down.
My brief 2 night stay this camp setting was great as usual.
Dang it guys, I want to join next year. Have wall tent and mystery ranch pack, will travel. I also have no desire to shoot a bear, but would love to tag along!
Heck I'd just like to talk to the turkeys and introduce them to my Mossberg :) A few trout would be nice too. I've killed bears, no desire to kill another really. That turkey sure looks nice though.

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