NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Hunt show gripes

There are a few programs that I like to watch, but there are lots of things that I am getting sick of seeing.

I hate Fred Eichler and others acting like 10-year-old girls when they make a shot.

I hate the fact that these so-called "professional" hunters are paying big money so they can go onto private areas and try to make it look like they really hunted hard on their TWO DAY hunt.

I hate seeing these "experts" that are overweigh, and about as literate as a old Ozark hillbilly showing how great the hunting is while they are sitting over a feeder in a fancy shooting house. "Man, I seen that buck yestaday, but I didn't get a shot at 'im 'til I sat for two days!".

As far as I am concerned, a lot of the outdoor programs are making hunters look like illiterate fools and does nothing to further the cause of hunting.

There are some good ones, though, such as Solo Hunter, OYOA, Jim Shockey, Eastman's and a few others.
I actually enjoy the programs that provide hunts for returning vets, children with life threatening illness, handicapped hunters, and even the ones where the TV hosts take their own kids hunting. I'm almost 59 years old, and I still get the shakes when I get an opportunity to kill a deer, and even more so after the kill shot when I walk up and see a big rack. Hunting doesn't only provide food for myself and Travis, it provides pleasure and enjoyment. BTW, I've sat in a tree stand or shooting house for days on end waiting on a certain deer that I've seen or gotten pictures of and it's always a cause for celebration when I finally kill it. When the exhilaration and the joy disappears, then maybe it's time to stop hunting with a weapon and just carry a camera or buy your meat from the grocery store!!!!!!!!!!
Showing emotion and excitement only provides a glimpse of the hunter's zest and passion for the sport.
Most of em are as fake as any so-called reality production...with many MANY more commercial breaks. Actually the entire segment is a commercial. IIRC, Jose coined the phrase Nascar Hunting...accurate.

There are few exceptions.
I take it with a grain of salt. After all, how real is reality tv? I mean if I had to watch Big Fin sitting in a hot antelope blind hour after hour and day after day I'd have a case for cruel and unusual punishment.
As for nascar hunting, sometimes I feel like if I don't have the latest xyz gear being peddled then I've got no business hunting. That is why I'm considering becoming a Walmart pro staffer.
I'll say it again, as i said on a prior thread, stan potts is the biggest fool of them all. fell from the geek tree and hit every branch on the way down.
also i love the guys that sit in a tree house in full camo and then put their face mask on for a 100 yard shot with a rifle. as far as the touchdown celebrations go, when you're on camera representing all of us show some friggin respect
You can have passion for the sport without acting like a friggn' idiot. I agree about Stan Potts. He does have a lot of passion for what he is doing, but what a goomer! Come on! You can at least act like you have a little bit of maturity and common sense when you are being filmed.
I actually enjoy the programs that provide hunts for returning vets, children with life threatening illness, handicapped hunters, and even the ones where the TV hosts take their own kids hunting. I'm almost 59 years old, and I still get the shakes when I get an opportunity to kill a deer, and even more so after the kill shot when I walk up and see a big rack. Hunting doesn't only provide food for myself and Travis, it provides pleasure and enjoyment. BTW, I've sat in a tree stand or shooting house for days on end waiting on a certain deer that I've seen or gotten pictures of and it's always a cause for celebration when I finally kill it. When the exhilaration and the joy disappears, then maybe it's time to stop hunting with a weapon and just carry a camera or buy your meat from the grocery store!!!!!!!!!!
Showing emotion and excitement only provides a glimpse of the hunter's zest and passion for the sport.
days on end? Dam that sounds tuff.
I have two things that have been bothering me lately.
1st I use to be a fan of eastmans and like the way they represent our sport but lately when I watch there shows they have just become way too arrogant for my taste.
2nd why does everything have to be "extreme" extreme whitetails on my back 40, extreme bass fishing tv, defending yourself against extreme rock chuck attacks, it's just getting old stop trying to make it what it's not.
I was watching Realtree a couple weeks ago and Micheal Waddell was hunting elk in Montana and he used a luminock and even commented on how it lit up. That is illegal. I checked who he was hunting with on the web and it was Bear Paw Hunts and according to their web site they border an Indian reservation but don't hunt on it, although that was not 100% sure that they don't hunt on it. I emailed Micheal's web site and asked him about it in a nice way and no reply. Seems like a guy that hunts so much in Montana would know luminocks are illegal, I hope he was on a reservation.

Some things people do on these shows is pretty questionable. I can't believe some shot selections and shot hit location on archery shots. YIKES

I saw the same episode and was wondering the same thing. At first I thought he might have been on a reservation, but then when he used them at Milk River I knew he screwed up.
I'll say it again, as i said on a prior thread, stan potts is the biggest fool of them all. fell from the geek tree and hit every branch on the way down.

Here here!

Interesting are the rules for getting your show on the outdoor channel. Follow their rules and pay a fee and run with it. Vanity press all the way it seems to me.

IMO,the shows create unrealistic expectations for kids and/or new hunters with regard to taking trophy animals.
Here here!

Interesting are the rules for getting your show on the outdoor channel. Follow their rules and pay a fee and run with it. Vanity press all the way it seems to me.

IMO,the shows create unrealistic expectations for kids and/or new hunters with regard to taking trophy animals.

well said, and agreed, I am working with a 14yr old kid now whose family doesn't and never hunted but he is into archery so I decided to help where i can, he's a good kid! ....but he is so tainted and has such unreal expectations that i doubt he will make through a whole season. The whitetail hunts he watches are so jaded its not even close to reality and makes kids think a 170 is gonna step out behind every tree every ten minutes or so:rolleyes:
Good for you introducing him to hunting. Good luck with him. If there's something the young lack is patience, it has always been so, but worse now than ever. Our culture has taught them that quick and easy are to be valued above all else.

I do like old hunting shows or films like Fred Bear, Elgin Gates and others did that took me places I never thought I'd get to go.
I'll say it again, as i said on a prior thread, stan potts is the biggest fool of them all. fell from the geek tree and hit every branch on the way down.

When I hear the name Stan Potts I grab the remote before you can say "stupid."
Dang, being lumped into the outdoor TV producers club, I think it might be time to shut this operation down. Guilt by association is a tough load to carry.

Sounds like you guys want me to hire a "Billy Mays" of the hunting world to do a 2-minute infomercial in between commercial stretches.

I better start practicing my 1,000 yards rifle shots and now that my archery range is set up, I can shoot arrows that is like "throwing an axe through an animal."

Just give me a minute here, and I am sure I can come up with the smack daddy of 'em all........ le'me see 'ere. Oh yea, here we go.

Big Buck Down, Booyah! Boom shuckalucka!

How's that? :D

Thinking I need to get some rock star as the co-host, if this show is going to make another season. Well, maybe not, since they all seem to be taken, as are the country singers and wrestlers. Guess that leaves Lawnboy, Bugler, Oak, and NVLongbow to be the standups.

Maybe I can get some of you guys to take over the operation while I go fill in for Jimmy Big Time. If we filmed my family reunions in MN, it would make Jimmy and his crowd look like amateur hour. I wish Lackey was a free agent, we would sign him to a multi-year deal. Just something about short bald white guys who wear birth control glasses that makes for good humor, no matter what the show.

Really, I think Moosie should take over this operation and we can maybe get it signed on the Comedy Channel or Spike TV. That guy has TV talent, if ever we have seen it.

Anyhow, please carry on. You guys are giving me some great ideas to incorporate in the filming this coming season.

That's what I'm talkin' 'bout right there baby! :D:D:D
Hell I cant even stand to talk to half of my coworkers and buddies that hunt anymore because it sounds like something of the outdoor tv programing. "I should have killed Ol Mossy horns this morning". "The buck couldnt smell me with my scent blocker suit on" " I sent the arrow express" "I snort weezed him in" "He came in on a string putting on a show for the ladies" so on so on ect.And my all time favorite is when I get that god damn stupid text message from one of them "BIG BUCK DOWN". I know Fin wont ever stup to this level so I will only watch shows like his.
I did see a show called major league bowhunter they should have named it major league dumb fu<k#r$

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