NEW SITKA Ambient 75

HT Duck Camp Jan 2023…

Always looking for new duck buddies, following. CA is a bit of a trip from KY, so will definitely increased if it gets closer.
We are planning on doing a HT duck camp in Kansas this year, in January.
More details to follow. There is a group of 4-5 of us with plans on putting something together and Kansas is just the state we have seemed to agree on due to its central location, season in January, diversity of habitat for hunting and plenty of public waterways to explore and hunt.
That’s a long drive for me to California but if there is something closer I might think about it. Although I don’t bring anything important to a duck camp. Own no decoys or dog. Can supply beer for at the end of the day cleaning birds. I’m just a gunner so maybe not duck camp material.
That’s a long drive for me to California but if there is something closer I might think about it. Although I don’t bring anything important to a duck camp. Own no decoys or dog. Can supply beer for at the end of the day cleaning birds. I’m just a gunner so maybe not duck camp material.
A good attitude, shotgun, shells and waders is all that’s needed.
That’s a long drive for me to California but if there is something closer I might think about it. Although I don’t bring anything important to a duck camp. Own no decoys or dog. Can supply beer for at the end of the day cleaning birds. I’m just a gunner so maybe not duck camp material.
Maybe we can scratch a band of heathens together this winter.
That’s a long drive for me to California but if there is something closer I might think about it. Although I don’t bring anything important to a duck camp. Own no decoys or dog. Can supply beer for at the end of the day cleaning birds. I’m just a gunner so maybe not duck camp material.
I got ya boy.
I’m interested. When in 23 are you thinking? I’m deployed through most of the upcoming season. Fall though…

Have gun (could bring an extra if someone needs something to shoot steel with), some teal decoys. Will travel
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Like I said I’m not opposed to go to Salt Lake City if it would get more people involved. Hunting in that area is suppose to be good there.

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