Caribou Gear

HR 4697 Cheney to amend 1984 Wyoming Wilderness Act

So these have been in "study" status since 1984; 33 years?

What's the plan and process to move them to Wilderness status?
I believe it takes an act of Congress to move them into Wilderness Status. If I understand correctly, (if I don't I would love clarification) They are up for decision next year.
Yes it takes an act of Congress to either make them permanent Wilderness Areas or return them to multiple use.

In Wyoming, there is a process going on initiated by the County Commissioners Association called the Wyoming Public Lands Initiative (see link below). Committees have been established to examine each of the Wilderness Study Areas and to seek public input. Sometime in the next year, they plan to issue a report indicating which should become permanent and which should be released. Presumably Wyoming's Congressional delegation will then be asked to sponsor a bill to address all of the recommendations of the WPLI committees.

Cheney's bill makes an end run around the WPLI process. She knows full well that the WPLI process is currently taking place, but apparently has decided she does not want to wait for the results. She is not only jumping the gun, she is also presupposing the results of the process. I predict this is going come back and bite her in the a$$ because she is doing this while seeking NO public input.

WPLI Process:

Casper newspaper story:
So these have been in "study" status since 1984; 33 years?

What's the plan and process to move them to Wilderness status?
Having a local native tribe talk about wanting to bring in nuclear waste via train seems to expedite the process...
Having a local native tribe talk about wanting to bring in nuclear waste via train seems to expedite the process...

LOL. Yeah Jon Huntsman was a great governor who used every tactic to stop that project.

Sounds like WY is even more dysfunctional than Utah. We resolved our 5.7M acre Wilderness Study Areas in the late 90's. I need to review how it happened. I think it was wrapped up as part of the Grand Staircase lands swap. Guess Utah was able to "have our cake and eat it too"

Maybe WY will be lucky and a coalition of mostly out of state native American tribes will lobby our next provincial progressive president to declare it NM.
I dont see Wyoming as that disfunctional. We haven't filed suit to take over federal lands, thankfully. The war that would ensue makes me shudder. We just need to get the corporate money out. Cheney proposed this bill to try and skirt the public comment and scientific input required by the study conclusion in 2018. From my understanding, the immediate locals are getting pretty fired up about it.
LOL. Yeah Jon Huntsman was a great governor who used every tactic to stop that project.

Sounds like WY is even more dysfunctional than Utah. We resolved our 5.7M acre Wilderness Study Areas in the late 90's. I need to review how it happened. I think it was wrapped up as part of the Grand Staircase lands swap. Guess Utah was able to "have our cake and eat it too"

Maybe WY will be lucky and a coalition of mostly out of state native American tribes will lobby our next provincial progressive president to declare it NM.

In my opinion, no state is more dysfunctional than Utah when it comes to federal land issues. We, in Wyoming, certainly don't want to emulate Utah and we are not.
LOL. Yeah Jon Huntsman was a great governor who used every tactic to stop that project.

Sounds like WY is even more dysfunctional than Utah. We resolved our 5.7M acre Wilderness Study Areas in the late 90's. I need to review how it happened. I think it was wrapped up as part of the Grand Staircase lands swap. Guess Utah was able to "have our cake and eat it too"

Maybe WY will be lucky and a coalition of mostly out of state native American tribes will lobby our next provincial progressive president to declare it NM.
Not sure what you mean by "resolved", but there are still Wilderness Study Areas in Utah (86, totaling over 3 million acres of BLM alone) many that generate a considerable amount of contention regarding designation vs other management designation.
Not sure what you mean by "resolved", but there are still Wilderness Study Areas in Utah (86, totaling over 3 million acres of BLM alone) many that generate a considerable amount of contention regarding designation vs other management designation.

5.7M to 3M as study is a big step. I need to brush up on the WSA 2018.

When did you live in Utah? Happy New Years.

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