How's your fire season going?


Well-known member
Dec 26, 2017
Central California
Wildfires are a way of life every summer in California. We had a couple really big ones last season that took whole communities. This year started out pretty quiet but August is sure making up for it. How's it been in your State?Ef4bMJYUEAU2x6R.jpg
We're pretty average here in Washington, after some really bad years in 2014 and 2015 it's slowed down a little, our firefighters from all agencies have really stepped up the initial attack and aren't letting many get away, seems to be helping, but it's really weather dependent. When it's 100 degrees and windy for weeks at a time doesn't matter how many firefighting resources you have, they're going to blow up. We've been getting lucky with lightning, hopefully we don't get another round of late summer lightning like we had in 2012 when we had hundreds of starts after a September lightning storm. Best of luck down there.
Not good so far. I came home earlier than I planned to since my wife had no power which means no water. By the time I got home the power was back on. I am now set with the neighbor on starting the generator so she can have power when I am not home. Even though I have a transfer switch my generator is not an electric start.
My son and other relatives have been evacuated and some relatives have been allowed to return home and some have not. We don't think any of their houses are in jeopardy yet.

As far as my hunt was going it is very smoky and hot in the Sierras. They closed some roads that I needed to drive home on but opened them just before I started back home so that worked out. My son and another hunter have next week off and our plan is to return to hunt another week. Obviously that could change. Probably smokier at my house than where I was hunting. I cannot go outside my house now without coughing so I stay inside or wear a mask.
791670DA-3548-4C73-A9E9-9E3760B1809F.pngWe were able to get a little prescribed burning done yesterday here in Alabama. Good fire weather during the summer here is a lot more rare than it is for you guys.
Prayers for everyone dealing with the wildfires.
They are hitting pretty close to home this year 4 within 15 miles of my mom.
Way to close to home, grizzly creek fire (glenwood canyon) is 8.5 miles and closing from my parents. Nothing but steep hills, piñon, and juniper in between...

Edit: more new fires... along with @wllm1313 there are more fires popping up around our parents houses daily
This local season has been light compared to the monsters that raged a few years ago here.
But today it looks like LA. Haze & clouds,90 again after an orange sunrise with monsoons trying to piddle all day. Can barely see across my little valley now,full orange and not a fire within a hundred miles.
UT has been quiet so far compared to neighboring states. Super dry and hot here, though, so I think it’s more luck than anything else. Two years ago was really bad.
Don’t think about fires too much in Texas but we get them also. Not usually as large or dangerous, but any loss of life or property affects somebody.


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Another fire started yesterday here in California, my grandmother was evacuated last night. Hopefully they can get some type of containment
Arizona is getting burned up BAD this year... The hottest summer on record mixed with zero precipitation, wind and dry lightning. I gotta get outta this place
Actually Idaho has been quite slow. My old district (newly retired) has been dead this summer.
Which I'll take a fireless summer. Especially Forest fires.
Montana is fairly slow but conditions are ripe for it picking up.

Still time for things to change too. Just three years ago the Rice Ridge Fire doubled in size in an afternoon on September 4th on its way to burning over 150,000 acres. Then a week later it snowed.
Montana is fairly slow but conditions are ripe for it picking up.
A couple new starts now north side of the Breaks. Hunting Husband got called out last night. Still small..hope they can catch them. It’s super dry out there, and I’m not thrilled to see the wind picking up.

Edit: spoke too soon. He just texted me that he won’t be home for a while. Went from 200 to over 6,000 acres so far today.
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I'm really surprised we haven't had a good size fire in the Snowies or Sierra Madres this year as dry as its been and with how many people have been up there.
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Surrounded by fires to NorthWest, North , East and South.

OnX's Active Fire Layer has been helpful determining which friends are in the path...

My November hunt area just had a fire pop up in it. was over 600 acres yesterday...
Surrounded by fires to NorthWest, North , East and South.

OnX's Active Fire Layer has been helpful determining which friends are in the path...

My November hunt area just had a fire pop up in it. was over 600 acres yesterday...
I forgot about the active fire layer.... I just checked it and the little secret public place I found this year is totally gone. I was planning on going after all the quail I came across pig hunting in there a few months ago.
The CZU complex is just over the hill from us, and we border a unit that was evacuated. It's been a little stressful, helped some friend evacuate two nights ago. We're on the north side of the Santa Cruz Mountains and on the other size of HWY 17 so we have both a large natural barrier as well as a man made one. NWS just put out another severe weather warning of more lightning, and thunderstorms from 5pm Sunday to 5am Tuesday. After that it looks like we'll get our normal marine layer and onshore flow back.