NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Howdy from Western PA.


New member
Aug 3, 2017
Hi all. Names Brian and I hail from about 30 miles east of Pittsburgh along the edge of the Appalachians. Very fortunate as a child growing up on 22 acres of ground, stream down the middle. Deer, cottontails, grouse, turkeys, squirrel and pheasants all got chased by a much younger me over the surrounding farmlands. Playing in the creek yielded minnows, dace, and horned chubs for my fishing excursions, and the damselflies and water striders were fair game for my faithful Daisy bb gun. Many a trophy dragonfly fell to the sweet old gun as well. :D Took my first whitetail doe with a Bear recurve at the ripe old age of 12, and after working the farms in the area for the next 2 years I almost had enough money to buy my first rifle at 14... $175 was a lot of money for a 14 year old. Fortunately dad chipped in and a new 30/30 sat in my hands for that opening season. First buck I shot was a 1/2 rack and I remember dad was so proud of me. You couldn't have wiped the smile off of my face with a bulldozer. I have been hooked ever since.

Now at 53, I am may finally take a shot at a western elk hunt. I have been dreaming about it my whole life. If all goes well I will try to hit Colorado in 2018. I am in pretty good shape, (did my first Brazilian Jiu Jitsu tournament at 51) so a little more training should prep me for the altitudes. Have my 17 year old handsome son, and my best friend (who my wife calls my other wife) to go out with me. BTW my missus is known as SWMBO (She Who Must Be Obeyed) I had 4 children. My oldest passed of cancer in January. My other 3 keep me busy. All of them love to hunt. They have blessed me with 4 grandchildren.

That 30/30 I bought when I was 14. Each one of my kids has shot their first deer with it. :)

I like to camp, and I am proficient at it, courtesy of Uncle Sam. Can still dig a foxhole, though it is not a skill set I hopefully ever have to use again, and I love weapons. My father was a state police officer and a marksman. He traveled for shoots. I still have some of his old match targets. I inherited a High Standard 22 match pistol, and a beautiful Anschutz rifle. I also have a step off of my porch 100 yard rifle range. It's cheating, I know, but it sure is fun.

Reason I joined here. Randy. I have been watching his videos for a long time. I really admire the man. He is definitely my biggest inspiration. I watch how hard he hunts, and I have that same... persistence, perseverance. Okay I am just plain stubborn, and while it might take a while for me to set my mind to something, I do not quit.

I'll cut this novel short. Hope all of you have great hunting seasons this year. Good luck out in the field, and be careful. If you are in my neck of Pa and need help dragging one out, or get stuck in process, drop me a line.
