Hornady Interbond bullets?

If a Nosler AB works, problem solved. I have found that for some calibers there is a Nosler BT in the same weight. When there is, the outside shapes are very, very close so I use the BT for most of the load development and confirm the load with for AB. Always dropping back a few grains first to work back up. This method saves a few bucks if you think your are going to in for an extended development period.
Some of us shoot cartridges that aren't suited for cup and core bullets. Never quite understood where "premium" came from. mtmuley

No that is not right My Muley. Some shoot cartridge's that are to over powering for the lighter bullet's they want to shoot! So generally the lighter bullet will fail unless it's a premium. But if you take a heavier bullet that retains it's weight it will penetrate better. Penetration is helped a good deal by weight.
Interlocks work pretty damned good on elk. Massive lung destruction. Don’t knock em till you try em. I do have a full box of 180 Interbonds I am going to try in my 300 Weatherby this winter.
I was disappointed in the Nosler AB. I had a huge bull soak up three 180/AB all good hits and he didn’t even react to the first two. Just leaked a little blood. Interlocks are 2-3 steps and down. 190/Inerlocks in my 300 rock their world.
DRS. I did not see where you listed the intended game. If you are hunting deer, there is no performance reason to shoot the expensive premium bullets-except Nosler seconds. If it is just something that you want to do, then fine, but there is not specific reason to do it. Have you considered Speer Gold Dot? They are bonded, also and probably a bit more reasonable. I got a tremendous deal awhile back at Midway, on some 6.5-140s ($11 and change/50). I have shot several deer with them and they did well and would make a great elk bullet.

If deer is on the menu, it is real hard to beat plain Interlocks. I have never been disappointed in accuracy, or performance.
The Interbond & SST are pretty much the same. Interbond does't have a cannalure.
If that is the case then I’d say Inter bonds suck. Sst out of my .270 have performed horribly at putting elk down. I use interlocks now, and they put elk down fast!
Some of us shoot cartridges that aren't suited for cup and core bullets. Never quite understood where "premium" came from. mtmuley

What would make a rifle not suited for cup and core bullet's? If you simply prefer something other than cup and core say so! In over 50 years of hunting I have never needed More than a cup and core bullet.
Thanks for all the replies. My question related to a 300 H&H. I tried both Hornady Interbonds and Interlocks but they were not that accurate in my rifle. I have ended up using Nosler Accubonds. So far I’ve had 1 shot kills on 4 whitetail bucks (three 8 pts and a 9 pt) and a 6x6 bull elk. They seem to be doing the job quite well.
These bullets were all out of a 6mm Remington at 400 yards shot into gallon water jugs lined up. I am very happy with Nosler bullets in all of my rifles. That's all I shoot, not to say that there aren't any other good bullets out there. I just know these work and they work very well.

Thanks for all the replies. My question related to a 300 H&H. I tried both Hornady Interbonds and Interlocks but they were not that accurate in my rifle. I have ended up using Nosler Accubonds. So far I’ve had 1 shot kills on 4 whitetail bucks (three 8 pts and a 9 pt) and a 6x6 bull elk. They seem to be doing the job quite well.

Yes, but this is boring. It doesn't give us anything to argue about. ;)


PS To actually contribute to this thread, I used Interbonds in my 7mm Rem Mag for deer and elk for a while and still would if they were still available.
I acquired a box of .284 diameter 154 grain Hornady Interbonds some time ago when they were somewhat available. Out of that box of bullets a Shiras moose (7mm-08), a bighorn sheep (7mm Rem. Mag) and a white-tailed buck (7mm Rem Mag - ammo left over from the sheep hunt) have been taken. The sheep and WT both dropped instantly while my wife shot her moose a second time; I think he was dead, but did not know it so she shot him again.

It is my opinion the Interbound bullets are an effective bullet. The main problem is finding them.

I now use Hornady Interlock bullets exclusively on deer and antelope.

I've never used interbond but have killed deer with interlock with great success. I am interested in the interbond as well but, I have never seen them in stores.
I've still never shot an animal with them, but worked up a load in my .308 that is extremely accurate - 165gn Interbond and Varget. I packed it around this spring bear season, but the only bear I saw was over a mile away and vanished before I could close the distance.
In my testing, 139 sst and 139 interbonds shot exactly the same out to 300 yards. That made it possible to work up loads and practice with the cheaper sst and then hunt with the interbonds if I wanted. That said, the sst has dropped deer more quickly for me than the interbonds have.
I have shot 154gr Interbonds in my 7mm Mag and accuracy was poor. 2" plus groups. Recently tried them in my new Tikka 7mm-08 they worked just as good as any other bullet. I was using RL26 powder, and have more loaded to take to the range.

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