

New member
Dec 26, 2000
North Fork, Ca
This forum needs a little more action. Here is a hog that was fast....gave the dogs a real workout hanging on to him. He was really hard to hang onto when one of the dogs grabbed him by the family jewels. This hog was actually pretty long but had no fat what-so-ever.
North Fork is about 7mi. from Bass Lake., You can go east out of Madera or from Turlock you could go through Mariposa and Oakhurst. Not a bad drive either way. Where do you hunt out of Turlock John? Airedales are all I have and the only dirrection they have is forward so it is a good idea to stay as close to them as possible to bail them out.
My experience has been that some of the smaller boar are tougher on the dogs than the big old ones. (Not that I have pig dogs myself, but from hunting with my buddy and his dogs.) Those 150-pounders are faster on their feet that their 200-pound big brothers, agility being the main advantage the dogs have on the pig. The 150-pounders may not have the huge tusks, either...but theirs are long enough! (Still love those airdales!!!

[This message has been edited by Calif. Hunter (edited 01-01-2001).]
hicntry - now that there are several of us (hntrjhn, Anaconda, myself, yourself, blktlhtr, etc.) on the board, perhaps we sshould think about getting together somewhere. Do you hunt your own place or public land? While I'm not that interested in bagging a hog myself (done that lots of times...not bragging, just saying), some of the other guys mught like to and I'd love to meet all of you. If it's your place you hunt, would you consider a get-together and what would you charge for a hunt? If it's public land, would you be interested in meeting up with a few of us?
HICNTRY, You are correct, Needs more action. We are Slow getting it going but We have quallity people and more will come.

I could use someone to Liven this up is you have spare time.... Maybe drag a few Posters over and I'll have ya help Moderate it for me. Huh?!?!? Lemme know....

[email protected]

<LI> AKA Moose Hunter
<LI> www.huntandlodge.com


Calif. Hunter...I hunt mostly private cattle ranches to keep the hogs in check or moved out. They don't usually agree to bringing others with me. I think it would be great to meet somewhere for a public land hunt.
Moosie...Will be more than happy to keep posting and putting up pictures but I will have to think some as far as helping moderate anything. I have a working airedale board and I have found that moderating often times requires more self control than I care to use. Will have to think on that. Here is Winchester (holding) and Remington with a sow. I am trying to call them off because she had some little ones. Did finally succeed and we went our way and she went hers.
Good deal, Hicntry. Is there publc land in the area that has some reasonably good hunting? I'd be up just for getting together on a long wekend or something.

[This message has been edited by Calif. Hunter (edited 01-05-2001).]
Here is a nice boar that was bayed up by Winchester, Bond, and Reminton (pictured). The dogs had this guy backed up in a mass of live oak when we got there and it was a real job getting this one out of the brush.
hicntry, Are airdales open on track or are they silent like a cur? I have never hunted w/ an airdale. They seem to do the job very well.
They are totally silent like some curs. I used to locate them by the hogs squealing but then a couple of 300lb. plus boars with bad attitudes taught them to bark so I could get there and help. I will take a good bay job any day to catching.
There is an amusing story behind this picture. My brother Mike had a model 88 Win. in .308 and I had told him it was useless in this heavy brush. He needed to get a .44mag. He always laughed. On this particular day I was roding Higgins (back) and after about 5 min. he took off up the mountain.. We stopped and got the guns ready as we listened. Shortly, we heard Higgins baying up on the side of the mountain and I turned Tigger (foreground) loose. Mike being about 15yrs. younger took off after Tigger packin that rifle in the brush. As I started up to the dogs I yelled up to Mike to watch himself because there may be other hogs around. The dogs had this boar bayed up in the brush at the base of a rock ledge and the only way out was where they were standing. As I came around the last bend in the draw I saw the two dogs baying about 10ft. from the brush and there was my brother, still a novice hog hunter, standing right with them trying to see the hog. About that time both dogs jumped to the side and here came that boar...right down the middle. My brother took one step back and fell flat on his back,with that rifle across his chest, in the brush. That hog went by him no more than 1 foot away and didn't even try to hook him on the way by because all his attention was on Higgins trying to grab him. Higgins must have seen me raise that .44 because before they got to me he backed off and waited for the shot. After killing this hog I really petted Tigger up as she was only about 9 mo. old and she did not even flinch when that .44 went off. My brother was a little shakey when he came down to where we were but when he came back the next month he was packin a Ruger .44.

[This message has been edited by hicntry (edited 01-06-2001).]
Here is a sow that Higgins, Remington, and Winchester ( left to right) caught. As I am taking the picture I am also trying to figure out how to get the dogs to back off so this one can be left for another day and give her time to get a little bigger. Never did accomplish that. Handleing the dogs and a pissed off hog by ones self is not that easy and a second person comes in handy once in a while.
This hunt required going in some heavy brush down on the side of a mountain to get to the dogs and this boar. Close quarters like this make a hunt pretty exciting at times. This boar was none to happy when we got to them. He had been fending off Winchester, Remington, and Bond for a while and was holding his own. This picture was taken between 11 and noon on a sunny day and required a flash beacause no sun could penetrate the brush.

Does anyone else use dogs for hogs?
Got some new predator calling tapes the other day and was going out with Higgins and Bond to try the out. On the way down to a calling spot yesterday, I pulled over to let the dogs empty out. well they took off up the mountain at a dead run. Never did get to try the tapes out but all was not lost. The dogs had this sow bayed up about 500 yards up the mountain. It took three of us to get her in the truck. Higgins is pictured with the pig because he does not take kindly to any other dogs getting close to "his" hogs.

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