High Country Hunt Knee Rehab

I’ve started pt! I was diligent with my stretching and am on track with extension angle, and ahead in flex ion angle. My quads are firing better than expected. My glutes are sore from PT... hahahaha. Step by step baby! 3 weeks to weight bearing! 🤞
I’m 2 weeks into knee construction rehab. I live in WA, and have hunts planned in other states for the later fall, so don’t tell me your feelings on Washington hunting. It’s where I live. The first hunt will be turkey and bear in the spring. I want to use spring bear to explore some new country. I’m looking at the early season high country mule deer hunt in the Pasayten Wilderness area. Anyone have any advice or experience?
I was 42yrs old and tore left ACL with a tibial fracture. 2 weeks later repaired with hamstring tendon. Told my therapist I would be the best patient he ever had. Celebrated when I could make a full cycle on the exercise bike earlier than expected. Went on a high country early season mule deer hunt 9 months later. Oh yeah, trekking poles were my best friends. Go for it.
Just had a partial knee Thursday and starting PT on Tuesday. The job was done by a terrific surgeon using robotics. Neatest thing was a infusion pump that is keeping a nerve block going for 4 days letting me keep moving. Got lucky as I thought I was in store for a full monte which doubled recovery time and would have left me with some restrictions (I ride horses and rope) the total is less flexible. My goal is getting back in the high country for another elk hunt with a very good friend who is 43 years younger, keeping up would have been impossible with a patella that would no longer stay where it was supposed to. I plan on reporting on the CO GMU 76 early rifle hunt and the prep for it this year.
No matter what surgery you get, "PT is key to recovery". Hmmmm, that rhymes.

I was taking to my neighbor about her son's knee surgery and was surprised how poorly he was doing. My wife overheard us and reminded me that I did PT and or stretching every single day for three months after my TKR. Got back full extension in a few weeks and 125+ flex after a couple of months. And that was with a knee that had ACL and MCL reconstruction 4 years earlier.

PT today = a lifetime of improvement.

Well just got home from my 24890195-8B3E-45E1-849B-76094D1B5E60.jpeg69DB06D0-36F3-4C8C-A865-8124765FDEDA.jpegsurgery, total joint replacement of left knee. Now the jillion follow up apts and ppt begins Monday! Don’t take youth for granted lol. Taken more meds already tonight then I’ve prob taken in my life.
Interesting thread so I'll toss my experience:
When I was 29 I completely tore my ACL & MCL, Partially tore my PCL and LCL, fractured my femoral condyle, torn meniscus.....So yea my injury was bad. Cadaver ACL replacement went ok in December. PT was difficult, but 10 Months later I was on a Float Hunt in Alaska. Year after that I was on an alpine Black Bear Hunt in AK, so with diligence it can be done.

My Knee started to get bad again because of the Meniscus & baker cyst they didn't fix, so I had surgery again 2 years after the ACL. It ended up infected and 7 days later I was in emergency surgery to clear the infection and Its never been the same since. Didn't walk for 4 months and couldn't walk for almost a year without aide of a cane. 31 year old single guy with a cane didn't pull much tail that year as you can imagine!!!
The PT from that 2nd failed surgery and subsequent 3rd was grueling, but I was determined. I maxed out my allowable insurance PT and then even paid 100% out of pocket for more because it meant so much to me. I've since been to Alaska 4 more times hunting everything from Alpine Gizz to Kodiak Island and just last year went on a high country Velvet Mulie hunt over 12,000FT. My knee is junk and constantly aches in some manner, but call it stubbornness or pain management, I still do the things I want to do. I've been told by 40 I'll need a new knee and @ 37 I'm staring down that barrel it seems.

Do your PT and do ALL of it. You cheat, it only compounds itself. If your like me, nothing will keep you from your passions. I like you searched for reassurance and every bit of relevant parallels in experiences and clung to any bit of positive feedback. You'll be back, it just takes work and time. Goodluck!


  • 2019 Velvet Mulie.JPG
    2019 Velvet Mulie.JPG
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So bit of an update but more so a question... update first; 7 weeks post surgery now, had big setback first couple of weeks with some kind of reaction to the latex (they “think”) in the compression stockings- thigh blew to about 1.5x it’s size, blistered skin rash, the works. Pretty much shut down my PT for those first couple of weeks. Have made steady albeit slow progress since and am now at 103 flexion and 0 extension. Met with the surgeon yesterday and he wants to get more aggressive and have me come in next Friday for an MUA which brings me to the question- any of you HuntTalkers have this (the MUA) done before and if so what’s your thoughts on it? I did quite a bit of research on the net and (like everything) the results varied from it being the best thing since sliced bread to no f’n way...did more damage then good!


Scar is coming along...
Stay strong. After having my 1st reconstruction on December 23rd my meniscus horn crapped the bed leaving a huge suture floating around in my joint unbeknownst to me. This then tore my ACL... This led me to a second reconstruction. It’s definitely going better this time. God willing I’ll be off the crutches on July 23rd, and moving towards rucking for training I hope. I crap every time it makes a pop or grind... Fail forward Hamm!
Yeah I’ve had two prior surgeries prior to the replacement...probably one reason he is concerned about the scar tissue forming and hence the MUA. Just was a bit disappointing when you think you’re making some headway and get a negatory from the Doc 🤷🏻‍♂️

Gonna keep after it though, have a fall of deer, elk, and a daughters wedding to dance at!
During my PT they told me to bend and straighten, or they would, if that didn't work, MUA. Each was less pleasant

I didn't get it, but basically they will knock you out and bend your knee, tearing away any residual scar tissue. Should fix your progress but no clue what it will feel like after.

Bottom. Line is that joint has to bend or you're in a lot of trouble
I work it twice a day every day. Tons of different strategies on YouTube. My two favorites are sitting in a chair with my leg up and hanging weights on it for as long as I can handle, and the other is standing with an elastic band pulling it back. I’ve found the key is relaxing into it for a long time. The pain is almost gone while doing it!
Neither of those work bending but are good for strength

For bending take that band, hook it around your foot, lay on you stomach and pull the band over your head pulling your foot to your head, that will bend it.

If you have someone you trust who isn't afraid to hurt you a bit, same idea, lay on stomach have them push foot towards butt as far as you can handle
The weight hanging and band are for extension. They work great, but you have to really focus on relaxing. I actually will meditate for up to 20 minutes with 30 lbs hanging on it. My PT basically lays on it and it hurts like hell too. However, I don’t have someone at my home to lay on my knee twice a day. I haven’t had near the problems with flexion. The real key is time, everyday twice a day no matter what.
Never heard of the MUA, but I do recall the "Scar Tissue Breakup sessions" the PT did on me. It was basically massaging the scar in an attempt to breakup or mobilize the scar tissue so it wouldn't form as bad. I recall him saying it would be painful and the more I could take the better. He was surprised by my pain tolerance. Those sessions were NOT fun I do remember that. But every time he would massage that scar and then I'd do my Flexion/Extension, I'd get more back. Pain = Worth it!
Manipulation Under Anesthesia (anesthetized for good reason). My sawbones specifically challenged me to 'own my rehab'..so I did..& it was too much too soon, or so I thought. The pain finally subsided to a point I could own it again. Thought I was out of the woods...pain returned with a vengeance in a couple of years. When I went back to the ortho he said what his PA had mentioned right after the knee surgery...that years of gait mitigation had ruined the hip acetabulum. Domino...
Manipulation Under Anesthesia (anesthetized for good reason). My sawbones specifically challenged me to 'own my rehab'..so I did..& it was too much too soon, or so I thought. The pain finally subsided to a point I could own it again. Thought I was out of the woods...pain returned with a vengeance in a couple of years. When I went back to the ortho he said what his PA had mentioned right after the knee surgery...that years of gait mitigation had ruined the hip acetabulum. Domino...

That’s part of the lecture I got today... slow down my walking and try to balance out my hips and gait. I have noticed a twinge or two in my lower back since I began rehab on the knee so I’m prob favoring something.... was hoping it would have been fixable via some Knob Creek not an MUA but 🤷🏻‍♂️
Everything that needs said has been said, but I've had three major knee blowouts and each one had a different approach to fixing, the one thing that remained consistent was the need for rehab. Surgery is literally only about 20% of the fix. Further, the insurance provided rehab is insufficient at best.

Take time to learn from your physical therapists so you can apply those practices at home on your own time.

I also highly recommend a good chiropractor who has background in physical therapy/sports medicine. I'm not talking about the bone crackers who have youtube channels, but a legit science first chiro. Reason being I found I really got out of whack with alignment and then would do things like favor my other knee and get hip/back pain. My chiro/therapist was very good for muscle stretching and strengthening.

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