Caribou Gear Tarp

High Country Buck


Well-known member
Jan 12, 2009
Despite the knee deep snow, we left the truck this morning two hours before light and headed for the high country. My buddy Justin made two great shots, and we spent the next 10 hours packing this guy pack to the trailhead.



Nice buck. The adventure will live in your memories for ever. The stuff dreams are made of.
Wow, that is one cool buck. Congrats to you and Justing. Would love to shoot one like that someday.
Sweet buck. 10 hrs packing or dragging?

The real story:
The highways were horrible, so we ended up pulling off the interstate right at first light. We drove up to a high spot to glass from the truck, to try to spot a good one to make a move on.

After glassing for only a couple minutes this guys wanders out in the flat below us. Justin sets up, and after ten minutes or so the buck comes back out in the open. Justin makes two awesome shots at 275 and 245 yards, and buck keels over... right on the road in the top picture.

We literally did not drag this deer. We rolled him over to take pictures, once more to gut him, flopped him over to drain out the blood, and loaded him in the pickup.

I don't want to say it was complete luck with as hard as we hunt this area, but it's kind of hard to call it anything else. I don't feel the least bit guilty though after some of the other packs we've gone through getting way lesser deer out of the same drainage, including my mule deer from a week ago.

Very nice buck! Great character!

Those simple pack outs... or load ups sure elevate the appreciation for the heafty pack outs - the ones you tend to be familiar with!
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