Yeti GOBOX Collection

Hey guys



Sorry I hadnt been around in the fishing section for a while, been busy at work and to be honest I had a brain fart for a few weeks on fishing topics, let alone a few months on varmit topics.

DEWL you and me both.Between working until dark almost everynigh then car shopping the rest of the evening I haven't had time for squat.

Thank goodness the car shopping is over
I hate car shopping, I decked the last salesman and almost got arrested hehe. He lied to me and I hate liars

I hate car salesmen on the job as a rule.I hate it when they say '' this is our lowest price'' but when you say no thats to high they always come down and then I say your lieing and walk out.Finally I walked into a dealer ship an told them what I could pay per month and nothing more and with in 3 hours I was rideing home in a newer vehicle,NO BS they droped the price by 2K just to get me in it,supriseingly enough the original price was book value.
CH you got that right!!!

The one I hate the most is when they say ''we need a deposit to hold the car for you until we here from the bank'' Thats BS!!!
I love that line. Heres a true story.

We went and trader our s10 pickup on a 4x4 that was 2 years old. they said since it was the weekend give us your truck and take this one out for the weekend(i'm very gullible). sounded like a good deal to me so we took it up north. well as my luck would have it it thrue a rod on the way out of town. so I had it towed back to the dealer. the guy said " I knew we had a problem with that truck were going to change the engine on monday for you at no cost" I said no you tried to sell me a bad truck and get away with it I want my truck back (now this was the next morning). he said impossible we sold it. They sold my damn truck the day i took it in. they had no title or nothing. I called the cops and filed cartheft charges against them at there dealership. As I was jumping back in the loaner vehicle they gave me they said I couldnt take it off the lot. we'll that erupped into a bit of a strugle but I got the truck out of there lot and parked it at a friends(this was a brand new full size 4x4). the cops came to my house asking for the truck and I told them its in a safe place and will return it as soon as I get my truck back. they left luckely on my side. it took 4 weeks to get my truck back and it was greatly damaged. So I did the same amount on the truck and told them they could pick it up at a parking lot close by.They pick up there truck and man they were pissed. 5 weeks later the dealer ship was shut down for selling vehicles with wrong vin#'s on them and totaled vehicles as newones. they got bust in the last 10 years about 8 times for the same thing.

sorry I had to ramble

DEWL that would truly suck.

My aunt and Uncle had the same deal happen to them last year when buying a boat.The ordered a new boat with 150 Merc and left there trade at the dealer.three weeks later there new boat had not arrived and they said forget about the deal we want our boat back,uh we sold it at auction and have no clue who has it.They sold there boat with out the title.they called the police and an attorney.No luck there,they ended up getting the boat they wanted with 3k nocked off the price from what there trade was worth.
The problem is that these guys get away with crap like that. If you or I did it we would be in jail in a min.

Delw, This type of thing happened to me. Same scenario. We traded our Bronco for a toyota 4-runner a couple years ago. I realized after taking it home, it had problems. I took it back the next day and asked for my rig back. Since it was the weekend the financing hadn't wen thru. They said sorry, we sent your Bronco off yesterday and sold it at an auction. I fought for a year and a half. We lost. As is, ya know! The engine was bad and they hid it by putting a new haed gasket on it. The ting lasted a couple thousand and went kaput. I lost over $8,000 on it. Got myself another Bronco now. The toyota has been a pain. It was a lemon and we got stuck with the $13,000 bill. From now on I will be very careful what I buy at a dealer.

Live to Hunt-Terry aka Coydog.
I hate " What do I have to do so you can go home in this?" I am going to make up my own mind, not have some jerk try to con me into some vehical.
