Hey Colorado… Keep the Colorado Wolves out!!!


Well-known member
Feb 1, 2021
I am currently in FB jail, but would have a blast responding to this slanted bs reporting…

Colorado Wolves slain, slaughtered in WY… If they leave Colorado then they are no longer Colorado Wolves lol…. The articles are horrible and very one sided…

Good luck with the future of management in CO. In the meantime I keep hoping to kill my first WY wolf and if it happens to have ties to Colorado that would be a bonus!!

I'm no fan of forced reintroduction in my state, but this isn't a bad article. They tried getting a comment from the opposing viewpoint, everything else was pretty factual.
I’m okay with buying tags. Idk if I agree with the coyote-style regs on wolves in WY. I didn’t know you didn’t need a license to shoot a wolf in WY now. But 100,000 and prison in CO? Get real…. 🤣🙄
Interesting, it is funny how words matter. Like what makes a Yellowstone wolf a Yellowstone wolf? Do they have to be born there, spend a certain amount of time there or just pass through? Why wouldn't they be a Gardiner wolf (or other area)? The author says the "wolves wandered out of the park." I'm not sure if wolves wander, but I would imagine they wanted to get somewhere.
I'm no fan of forced reintroduction in my state, but this isn't a bad article. They tried getting a comment from the opposing viewpoint, everything else was pretty factual.
They did not get any comments from an opposing side. They attempted to contact WY game and fish. What comment would they have gotten? The wolves were legally killed, that would be the only answer… How is that an opposing view?

The wolves were slain, they are a colorado wolves killed in WY? Yellowstone wolves killed out side of Yellowstone?

No the article is hack and nothing more… no mention that wolves are known to travel hundreds of miles, no mention that wolves are not a protected species in WY, MT, ID or more….

No comments from Big game Forever, or another pro wildlife management or hunting agency…. But the did seek comment from one of the most liberal pro wolf groups.

But yeah a great article…
I'm no fan of forced reintroduction in my state, but this isn't a bad article. They tried getting a comment from the opposing viewpoint, everything else was pretty factual.
So wolves magically Balkan e the system? Do you really believe that?
I’m okay with buying tags. Idk if I agree with the coyote-style regs on wolves in WY. I didn’t know you didn’t need a license to shoot a wolf in WY now. But 100,000 and prison in CO? Get real…. 🤣🙄
I don’t know if anyone in WY cares if you agree with our wildlife management. It is our wildlife and we expect our state to
Manage it according to the desires of our citizens.

The key is the stupid pick and chose nature of the courts in determining if a wolf is on the ESA. 10 feet on the Colorado side of the line they are federally protected 10 feet on the WY side they are considered not endangered…

How can you consider the exact same wolf to be endangered or not by a random line?
I don’t know if anyone in WY cares if you agree with our wildlife management. It is our wildlife and we expect our state to
Manage it according to the desires of our citizens.

The key is the stupid pick and chose nature of the courts in determining if a wolf is on the ESA. 10 feet on the Colorado side of the line they are federally protected 10 feet on the WY side they are considered not endangered…

How can you consider the exact same wolf to be endangered or not by a random line?
The exact same way you can shoot 3 elk on one side of line, and only 1 on the other side.

The exact same way you can shoot 3 elk on one side of line, and only 1 on the other side.

The fine being quoted is not the state fine, it is the federal fines under the ESA… either wolves are endangered or they are not?
I don’t know if anyone in WY cares if you agree with our wildlife management. It is our wildlife and we expect our state to
Manage it according to the desires of our citizens.

The key is the stupid pick and chose nature of the courts in determining if a wolf is on the ESA. 10 feet on the Colorado side of the line they are federally protected 10 feet on the WY side they are considered not endangered…

How can you consider the exact same wolf to be endangered or not by a random line?
Easy. You find a bunny hugger judge!
I don’t know if anyone in WY cares if you agree with our wildlife management. It is our wildlife and we expect our state to
Manage it according to the desires of our citizens.

The key is the stupid pick and chose nature of the courts in determining if a wolf is on the ESA. 10 feet on the Colorado side of the line they are federally protected 10 feet on the WY side they are considered not endangered…

How can you consider the exact same wolf to be endangered or not by a random line?
I’m not disagreeing a bit about that.. And I’m happy I pay for tags in Montana. Even if you don’t have to for the same wolf in Wyoming. I’ll buy the tag and chase him over for ya and let the money go to my state. You stay on your side then, with your bad attitude.
Wolves are free ranging animals, they are not "residents" of a state. They go where they choose to go.

From RMEF:
"The Idaho Department of Fish and Game estimates1,543 wolves roamed the state of Idaho in August of 2021. That number is in line with estimates with the previous two years. However, looking at the bigger picture, the latest estimated total is 443 animals larger than the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) 2009 delisting rule that called for 1,100 wolves across the entire Northern Rockies, meaning Idaho’s population alone would meet objectives for Idaho, Montana and Wyoming combined.

In 2009, the USFWS stated more than 1,500 across the Northern Rocky Mountain recovery area would “slowly reduce wild prey abundance in suitable wolf habitat” and “high rates of livestock depredation in these and surrounding areas would follow.”

Prior to wolf introduction in the mid-1990s, Idaho and Montana both committed to maintain at least 150 wolves. The latest figure puts Idaho’s wolf population more than 900 percent above minimum recovery levels. At last word, Montana estimated its 2020 wolf population at 1,177 animals or nearly 700 percent above minimum recovery levels. Montana recently reported its wolf harvest is on par with the past two seasons. In 2021, Wyoming estimated its wolf population at 327 animals or roughly 230 percent above its minimum recovery goal of 100.

Idaho intends to manage for a smaller wolf population to reduce wolf and livestock conflicts while maintaining a sustainable wolf population and also help elk herds in areas not meeting management goals. Montana has similar goals.

The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation maintains that state wildlife agencies should continue to manage wolf populations just as they manage bears, elk, mountain lions, deer, pronghorn antelope and other species."

So the media NEVER states the population goals for wolves were met and now exceeded by significant margin. Which is why they are huntable in WY.

Maybe they need to put GPS Shock collars on them to to keep in CO. Instead, they were "slaughtered" instead of Legally hunted.
Maybe they need to put GPS Shock collars on them to to keep in CO. Instead, they were "slaughtered" instead of Legally hunted.
That's gold! The oxymoronic mentality in full force.

They kowtow the same in NW MT... Cute wolves of GNP are quota driven while touring North of Whitefish, MT... However, cute named GNP wolves constitute "slaughtered" by the Patagonia / Center for Biologically Diversity collection.
Same on the MT area north of YNP.
Heard one of these that crossed last winter was actually beat to death with a frozen gun after being ran over with a snowmobile. Gun would not shoot so things got western.
If they have a radio collar put the collar on a log and throw it in the river. I saw that on a real cowboy show recently.
Or you could toss it inside one of those Subarus with the Hug a Wolf, Rabbits are People Too, etc. stickers on the windows.

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