Caribou Gear

Here we go again...bummed.


Well-known member
Mar 31, 2017
Well it was about a year ago my wife Casey had her leg amputated. She was able to go fishing and follow me around Hunting this fall. Even got to follow me up a mountain and watch me kill a bull elk! She is a determined strong willed woman for sure!
Late October she was having some soreness while wearing her prothsteic and while at the hospital for a different reason they found that she had a pocket of fluid that had built up on her stub. For reasons that make 0 sense they would not do anything thing about it and said she needed to get with her surgeon that amputated it. Long story short she just got in to see him last Monday and they now have to remove an inch from her stub...basically another amputation! She is pretty bummed about it. We were going to AK end of May black bear Hunting and now that is on hold. It won't be until June before she gets her new prothsteic and will need time to adjust and heal before going on that kind of adventure.
Please keep her in prayer, she is wanting to go West again this fall so we are trying to figure that out as to what to hunt!
Sign in the picture says it all..20220129_165724.jpg
I remember previous posts, and thoughts are with you guys! I know alaska is out but load her in the car and take a trip with her this summer even if its mostly seen from the passenger seat of vehicle. Enjoy and make the best of a shitty situation, time is just to important to lose out on. Best of luck and speedy recovery!
Oh man, that must be a punch in the gut for her and for you. I'm really sorry. I agree with ccc23454 and hope that you'll be able to take some sort of trip together this summer. Best to you both!
I can only imagine how scary and frustrating that must be for you both. I’ll be thinking about you and your wife and hope, like said above, you can make the most out of summer.
I can't imagine what it's like to recover from that. She's a tough one.
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That’s sad news , it isn’t fair that really good people have to suffer like you wife. I hope she gets through this latest surgery and continues living her life to the fullest. My heart and prayers go out to you both. I hope this is her last setback !
My thoughts are with you guys! Stay strong and keep the course and look forward to the adventures that await. She is obviously a strong willed woman!
Hard situation to bear but on the bright side, there is always someone else facing much worse situation. I gave up hunting basically from 2005-2014 due to my wife being so sick at the time and requiring various different surgeries and the co-pays nearly bankrupting us. We are blessed at the moment to have both of us relatively healty for our age. Anyways, prayers and thoughts be with you.
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Definitely will keep her in our prayers. A business acquaintance of mine had her leg amputated with several surgeries afterwards similar to your wife. Everything finally worked out and now she is a hiking machine. Keep the faith!
Thoughts with you Redman, must be disenchanting, frustrating, and outright scary to go through once again. Best thing is that you know she toughed it out the first go around and trips can always be rescheduled. You’ll get there in time and be better for it when it happening! Blessings to you both.