NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Help Get Jax Home

Hopefully every hunting dog owner on this forum has a collar for each dog with the owner’s name and phone number on
From the guy who found him (and bravo!):
“I live in Los Banos and have driving up to the pin drop location by the canal and Hwy 165 every day this week at various times of the day. As I pulled off the highway someone was by the Blue Goose parking lot so I scanned the canal first. As I looked down the road to blind #4 I saw Jax trotting up the road. I got the other persons attention, she is the owners sister. We ran down the road to get him and bring him back to her car for his ride home. Right place right time. The excitement on her face is something that will stick with me.”

Six days solo on the refuge and he made it out. The hunting dogs of years past were looking out for him. Great job Jax and great job Steve for finding him. This story made my week and most likely my month. Hope you get a steak dinner tonight Jax.
Made me think. I take off my dogs collar (when I remember) to avoid getting it caught in something. From now on the vests I put on will have owner information written on them.
You can get collars that snap together and give way if hung up on something. Well they're supposed to anyway. They come in camo too.
Several years ago I had a similar experience with a Lab about the same age. I went to my favorite spot for an afternoon hunt and found geese were already in the half harvested corn field. I left the decoys in the vehicle and crossed the standing corn to edge and waited for some pass shots when the geese left. I got a triple from a family group circling to land, reloaded, and shot two more from the confusion as hundreds left the field. All but the last one fell in the cut corn. The dogs and I spent forty minutes looking for it in the standing stuff and then my daughter called. She needed me to babysit. I figured the bears lurking in the corn snitched the bird so we headed for the vehicle. With four honkers to haul out I decided to take a shortcut through standing corn rather than walk around to the road. The three dogs were right in front of me but suddenly Opal was gone. She was doing all the retreiving so I figured she was onto the missing honker. I waited quietly for fifteen minutes but nothing. So I called for her. Still nothing. Finally I fired the gun in the air. That should bring her. When that didn't do it I became very worried. I phoned my daughter and she came out with her boyfriend to help look. I told them to bring guns. I should have been more specific. They brought shotguns. We spread out on the edge of the field and worked our way west to the road. Before long my daughter hollered out she'd found the goose. Shortly afterwards there was a boom off to my right. Tom shot a bear point blank. None of us had a knife so I phoned the farmer to bring one out. I needed to check the bear's gut for evidence of Opal. While we were waiting, it suddenly occurred to me I should check the land line voice-mail. Did I even have a cell phone when I bought Opal's collar? Sure enough, there was a message from a gal who picked Opal up on the other side of the highway where I usually park the vehicle when hunting the big field over there. Surely Opal must have heard me shooting for her but she wouldn't come back. The highway dept was rebuilding the bridge right there and she wouldn't let any of those guys touch her. But thankfully she did get in this gal's car. The lady was on her way home from work and thought Opal was her black Lab on the loose. I figure Opal must have run into that bear and had a bad experience (there was three of them living in that corn). Needless to say, I updated Opal's dog tag to include my cell number.

Use the tags that rivet on the collar. Dangling ones get caught and also the hole wears through and tag falls off. Also, place the tag on top of the collar so a finder doesn't have to wrestle with the dog to read it.IMG_4106.jpgIMG_4108.jpg
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