Caribou Gear

Hello from Colorado


New member
Aug 2, 2018
Hello all,
I stumbled into this forum last year after moving to Colorado and taking an interest in Elk hunting. Since then, I think I've watched almost all of the elk hunting content out there from Randy and crew and am learning all I can. I got to accompany family and friends during Colorado's OTC archery last year and had my first encounter with a bull elk (unfortunately I was the only one of us without a tag and the only one there when he came through). I've been hooked since then. I was able to get a bull in my cross hairs for OTC rifle, but didn't have a clean shot to take. This year will be my first time hunting during the limited draw rifle season here in Colorado so I'm hoping for success. I appreciate the information others provide and hope to share what I learn in the process. Thanks for all you do.
Welcome to the forum!
A close encounter with a bull elk will definitely leave you with some great memories. If that bugle of theirs doesn't make your heart race ...... well, you must be dead already. Good luck this fall.
Having a bull at 15 yds gets the heart rate up for sure, second guessing yourself for setting up in the wrong direction last a bit longer than the elevated heartbeat!
Welcome aftger lurking. Sounds like you have gained a lot of experience in a short while, feel free to share it.
I learned that if you are ever accompanying two hunters while you yourself don't have a tag, don't ever be away from both of the guys with a tag, as that is inevitably when a 5x5 will come strolling by at 25 yards broadside.
Also, I learned that I always and continually underestimate how steep a mountain is and how hard it is to climb.
Welcome to Hunt Talk! Look forward to your future hunts. Pictures are always a big plus! 🙂
Hello all,
I stumbled into this forum last year after moving to Colorado and taking an interest in Elk hunting. Since then, I think I've watched almost all of the elk hunting content out there from Randy and crew and am learning all I can. I got to accompany family and friends during Colorado's OTC archery last year and had my first encounter with a bull elk (unfortunately I was the only one of us without a tag and the only one there when he came through). I've been hooked since then. I was able to get a bull in my cross hairs for OTC rifle, but didn't have a clean shot to take. This year will be my first time hunting during the limited draw rifle season here in Colorado so I'm hoping for success. I appreciate the information others provide and hope to share what I learn in the process. Thanks for all you do.
Welcome from a Colorado native now living in Wyoming. I no longer hunt Colorado because I won't pay nonresident rates when I generally hunt for the meat not the trophies. I used to hunt the Strawberry Creek drainages between Meeker and Rifle. Lot of elk in there but watch out for the private property. I paid a $50.00 trespassing ticket after a deer I shot wandered onto private. At the time the penalty for not retrieving wounded animals was more expensive than a trespassing fee. I trespassed maybe 10 feet and still got the ticket but not retrieving the animal would of been $500 at the time and there was no exception made when the animal wandered onto private. Nowdays, I don't shoot close to private because of that, sort of what Randy stresses in his videos. Just a hint if yer looking for a good area. Gore Creek by Kremling is good too, but ton of hunting pressure there.

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