Yeti GOBOX Collection

HB 505 - Elk Need Your Help

Heres Braxton Mitchells cell. He responded to my text. +1 406-200-8384. Fyi he's a 20 year old young man from Columbia Falls. Youngest member of this year's legislature.

Well I’m glad the weirdos in Columbia falls that would elect a 20 YO did just that😂
Celebrate the status quo. Might be more fun to see a bill that helps wildlife but everyone might take a hit on that and that certainly wouldn’t be good.
Maybe better would be a governor who appoints a director to do his job and then directs his majority party to support them in that role. Wildlife management shouldn’t happen via legislation.
100% agree. But fighting to keep things the same is like beating your head off a wall. If you talk to Montana fwp they have drank the kool-aid. So let’s celebrate keeping things shitty.
100% agree. But fighting to keep things the same is like beating your head off a wall. If you talk to Montana fwp they have drank the kool-aid. So let’s celebrate keeping things shitty.
I’m right there with you, but what was the alternative in this binary outcome?
The amount of pressure being brought to bear against those three republican legislators is going to substantial. Continued support and encouragement to hold the line will be important.
The legislature extended the session to deal with the federal dollars but this bill can get brought up again. Nothing is truly dead this session.
Does anyone really know who was behind this load of crap? I'm hearing its sponsor wasn't overly enthused and was just a party stooge doing what he's told. Who's hiding in the shadows?
Putnam (Kalispell), Reksten (Polson), Mitchell (Columbia Falls) were the Republicans that voted no. That's awesome! Feeling a little better about Northwest MT's representation in Helena today.
Admittedly, I was concerned when I saw there were 5 more pages of comments than when I looked at the updates this morning.

Grateful to all of you for keeping folks engaged in discussions on wildlife issues in our state through this forum. As has been pointed out before, it’s also important we get to hear the perspective of landowners and outfitters here too so we can each make informed, independent decisions on bills such as this. It’s easy these days to put blinders on and focus only on what you want to believe.
Does anyone really know who was behind this load of crap? I'm hearing its sponsor wasn't overly enthused and was just a party stooge doing what he's told. Who's hiding in the shadows?
According to them, this Bill was at the department’s request. Gianforte’s new FWP chairman testified in favor of it.
It seems like it came from the governor’s office.
Just look at the lobbyists testifying in favor of it to trace it back to its roots. It’s landowners and ranchers. I would assume if you researched campaign funding you’d see a lot of money from similar places went to GG campaign.
Prob like most things. Who stands to benifit the most. Outfitters, ranchers and rich non residents. Prob a$$holes from new jersey
According to them, this Bill was at the department’s request. Gianforte’s new FWP chairman testified in favor of it.
It seems like it came from the governor’s office.

When I brought this up in my correspondence with legislators, I got a pointed response about how this is not in fact true, and the Gianforte Administration being behind this is a just a political rumor designed to lessen his credibility.

Ultimately, it doesn't really matter to me. I think for a lot of reasons, Gianforte thus far hasn't surprised anyone about where his interests lie. I hope that the response to this bill encourages a more conservative approach to elk management- not heavy handed sweeping changes brought to us by government without any public input, which to me seems very anti-conservative.

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