Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

HB 505 - Elk Need Your Help

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Next Tuesday, March 9th, is the hearing on HB 505 in the House FWP Committee.

Link to the bill here -

The bill has been talked about on other threads on the forum. It represents the greatest change in Montana elk management since I moved here 30 years ago. If passed, we are headed down a path that we will likely never change.

I will be there on Tuesday. If you live in Bozeman and want to ride up for testimony, I have room for three more.

If you can testify in person, it makes a bigger impression, as much as it should be equal to all testimony. If you can, please register to testify via the video feed. And if you can't do either of those, please email the House FWP Committee members at those emails below.

If you email them, let them know you are a Montana resident, state your opposition to the bill, maybe one or two points why you oppose, and thank them for their time and consideration. Keep it simple and courteous.

It seems we are overwhelmed and I know you are likely getting legislative fatigue. I would ask that you find your way to take action on this bill. And please inform your fellow hunters of the same and ask them to take action.

Man, I wish I were there.

Showing up in person is more important this year than previous years. Some legislators are banking on people staying away in order to discount the flood of emails & phone calls.

If you are comfortable being in the capital, go. Wear a mask, be socially distant, whatever, but if you can be there, be there. That personal interaction is damned important.

Good hunting guys, I'm there in spirit, and online if I can be of any assistance.
Any idea what time this will be on Tuesday?

House Fish, Wildlife and Parks usually meets upon adjournment of the floor. Usually around 3 PM MST. A hearing like this, which will be controversial, usually gets noticed well, especially since the Chair is a stand up guy.
Can’t be there, but I emailed. Definitely getting fatigued, but trying to keep up on these. Thank you for the reminder/prodding/encouragement. And for showing up.

In 2011, there were roughly twice the number of bills introduced as there are this session. They ran the gamut from things like this to attacks on MT's wolf plan. We had a few bills to undo I-161 & elk archery permits.

Crossbows, attacks on habitat MT, etc. This session, while rough, needs the same kind of tireless advocacy that we had back then to overcome the onslaught.

It's tiring, hard and debasing to continually be told by legislators that you just don't know what you're talking about, or how you don't understand what other issues are at play (Like the vote trading on crossbows for Right to Work). The system is designed to wear you down. It doesn't want you to be a part of what goes on in the building.

That pisses me off enough to keep the fire going, and to keep showing up.

This will end in 8 more weeks, we will have spring & summer fishing ahead of us, scouting trips & family camping trips on the lands we fight to protect now. The task at hand is to put on our fatigues, and head into battle. Our adversaries are tired too. Let's make them keep trying to take our collective birthright from us.

As Ed Abbey said, we gotta outlast the bastards.
In 2011, there were roughly twice the number of bills introduced as there are this session. They ran the gamut from things like this to attacks on MT's wolf plan. We had a few bills to undo I-161 & elk archery permits.

Crossbows, attacks on habitat MT, etc. This session, while rough, needs the same kind of tireless advocacy that we had back then to overcome the onslaught.

It's tiring, hard and debasing to continually be told by legislators that you just don't know what you're talking about, or how you don't understand what other issues are at play (Like the vote trading on crossbows for Right to Work). The system is designed to wear you down. It doesn't want you to be a part of what goes on in the building.

That pisses me off enough to keep the fire going, and to keep showing up.

This will end in 8 more weeks, we will have spring & summer fishing ahead of us, scouting trips & family camping trips on the lands we fight to protect now. The task at hand is to put on our fatigues, and head into battle. Our adversaries are tired too. Let's make them keep trying to take our collective birthright from us.

As Ed Abbey said, we gotta outlast the bastards.
This is inspiring. Thank you!

It might be more inspiring if you were inclined to post it as a video. Recited with an accent. Perhaps in Scottish garb and blue face paint. I think that would really fire up the crowd. Or at least lift some spirits 😂

I kid. But seriously, this is great perspective. Thanks for the pep talk! Outlast the bastards it is.
Been sending emails on all these bills so probably should've asked this sooner. But is it better to:

A) Copy and Paste my own email and than email that to each person individually?
B) Type my own email and send it to them all at once?

I have been doing it individually as I feel it might hold a little more power showing it wasn't 1 mass email? I have had responses from a couple people so far.

Thanks to everyone working on this in front and behind the scenes to keep Montana on the right path.
I will be there on Tuesday. If you live in Bozeman and want to ride up for testimony, I have room for three more.

Fully intended on taking you up on the ride Randy, but looks like everyone is out to make this tough. Same round-trip airline tickets that cost $224 a week ago at now $780.
Next Tuesday, March 9th, is the hearing on HB 505 in the House FWP Committee.

Link to the bill here -

The bill has been talked about on other threads on the forum. It represents the greatest change in Montana elk management since I moved here 30 years ago. If passed, we are headed down a path that we will likely never change.

I will be there on Tuesday. If you live in Bozeman and want to ride up for testimony, I have room for three more.

If you can testify in person, it makes a bigger impression, as much as it should be equal to all testimony. If you can, please register to testify via the video feed. And if you can't do either of those, please email the House FWP Committee members at those emails below.

If you email them, let them know you are a Montana resident, state your opposition to the bill, maybe one or two points why you oppose, and thank them for their time and consideration. Keep it simple and courteous.

It seems we are overwhelmed and I know you are likely getting legislative fatigue. I would ask that you find your way to take action on this bill. And please inform your fellow hunters of the same and ask them to take action.

Thanks for all you do!
Can’t be there, but I emailed. Definitely getting fatigued, but trying to keep up on these. Thank you for the reminder/prodding/encouragement. And for showing up.
That goes for me too … but just sent an email to each member of the committee. I also sent text messages to my friends to make them aware of HB 505. I asked them to email at a minimum.