Yeti GOBOX Collection

Have the Sheds Dropped in CO Yet?

I saw that too on wideopen, not sure how believable it is. It looks like a copy and paste art project done in a word document. It's shared on different facebook posts in various groups, but there is no source to what it states, and Wildlife agencies do not make that statement anywhere I can find. If it were true, I think more state's would do that or at least announce it officially. Here is the only announcement I have found.

It just states they are looking for people, and it's from two years ago. If they did track and or set 'antler traps' with motion cameras, I'm sure you'd see some posts about people getting caught or they are after them. That's the best tactic, actually catch people and make an example is what I'm all for. Unfortunately a lot of people sneak out early by not knowing the rules and don't care. Either way, when someone is caught they need stiffer punishments.
Yeah it doesn't seem like a very credible source. Anyways back on topic now: I heard from a local (maybe in the Evergreen CO area? Can't remember for sure) that the elk were migrating back through past their house and some were growing this years nubs, and some hadn't shed last years racks yet.
Easter weekend is when I have found a lot of elk sheds, especially around Ely, NV when I worked over there. I assume Colorado would be similar.
Bigger bulls have dropped up here in Northern CO, some of the smaller rag-horns are still sporting antlers.

Saw to younger bucks yesterday that had dropped antlers, but the bigger bucks don’t hang around this low till they have to.... doesn’t look like they’ll have to this year.

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