Has this been Discussed?

shhh.... not the right side of the political spectrum. No such thing as Bi-partisan and Trump signing...

Wait though... Maddow may claim it's Russia's attempt to shutdown America's power grid. Those slippery Elephants trying to disguise a bill in support of public lands. :D

Serious note; I think it is great when Bi Partisan works come together with a positive public land outcome. I think this was touched on in another thread with but a few posts as well...
Yes, there are other threads on S.47 and it is good for Hunting, Fishing and Public Lands. The article referenced is garbage and looking at other articles they have wrote on public land matters, they seem be of the opinion Government should not control lands and it should be privatized.

Here are some quotes from two other articles of theirs:

"The Founding Fathers never intended that the federal government would permanently own and control these vast expanses of land in the new territories"

“We need a paradigm change when it comes to public lands management. This bill creates a mechanism to put the federal government on notice that Utah must be restored to its rightful place as a co-equal partner,” said Governor Herbert. “The federal government retaining control of two-thirds of our landmass was never in the bargain when we became a state, and it is indefensible 116 years later.”

"There is no practical, moral, or constitutional basis for the federal government to continue holding on to vast swaths of the American West. Our Founders never intended the national government to exercise permanent ownership or control over these huge expanses. We do not see this massive federal imprint on the states of the Eastern seaboard.

"The people of the Western states who are now calling for their right to “equal footing” should be applauded for following this very American course. It is insulting to claim or imply that the states, counties, municipalities, and private citizens of the West are less capable of managing their own affairs than their fellow citizens, or that they will be more destructive of the “national treasures” than the Fedgov “servants” who are already accomplishing that destruction."

Not sure where your stance is when asking about if this has been discussed. But if you are for Hunting, Fishing, Public lands and conservation, S.47 is great and we should all applaud the bipartisan effort to get it into law.
Can we please try and stick to neutral-factual sources. Green/Yellow +/- 1 left or right.
Even Jersey G is getting his rocks off over this bi partisan, non Russion collusion, MAGA Trump signed win for our Public Lands...

Greg's Treasure State Update
President Trump signs public lands package

On March 12, a bipartisan public lands package became law, and I was honored to return to the Oval Office to see the president sign it into law.

The law includes two measures important to Montana, including the permanent reauthorization of the Land and Water Conservation Fund and the Yellowstone Gateway Protection Act, which I championed and led.

The new law is a victory for Montana. Our communities came together for our public lands and deserve a lot of credit for getting this across the finish line.

It was the second time in six days that I met with President Trump in the Oval Office . I appreciate having a seat at the table where I can advance Montana’s priorities.
Don't really care what you think of the WHO wrote the article, it was the signing of the bill I wanted to share. It's like signing in to the Huffington Post around here these days. John
It's like signing in to the Huffington Post around here these days.
Which per my diagram is also a questionable news sources.

The point being that a source like the New American, or Occupy Democrats on the left, is more opinion piece than factual reporting. It's authors are trying to illicit an emotional response rather the present facts on any particular topic, by linking to such articles you are greatly increasing the likelihood of the thread going off the rails; whereas linking to a press release such as Styes did or to a source such as Reuters is more likely to start the thread off on the right foot and promote discussion.

If I wanted to watch a bunch of morons scream at each other I would just login to facebook, hunttalk is way above that in MHO.
Don't really care what you think of the WHO wrote the article, it was the signing of the bill I wanted to share. It's like signing in to the Huffington Post around here these days. John

I am glad he signed it. I see no reason why he wouldn't. I expect most here feel the same way. If they don't, oh well. Pound sand.

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