Harvest Right Freezer dryer


Active member
Sep 8, 2016
Has anyone used this for backpacking food prep?

$2200 is well out of my price range for a "food maker" but if I hit the mini lottery I imagine this would be great to have.

I can think of some great recipes I would love to have in the backcountry. Ice cream, homemade potato salad, favorite pasta dish at a restaurant, etc.
Bacon wrapped, deep fried Twinkie
I'd love one but dang they are expensive and that price seems to have been consistent for the last 4 or 5 years. I've seen that it takes as much energy as an air condition and takes 2 or 3 days to dry. The videos I've seen they are kind of loud but I think the type of pump you choose dictates that.
Bumping this thread...anyone get one of these over the last year?

I really want one but still not sure it's worthy purchase for a single person that doesn't have a garden.
I've been looking at this for about a year. I wanted to bring my own food in the field. I just can't get over the price tag and the required space it will take.

Of course I've been looking at an instant freeze ice cream maker too!
Bumping this thread...anyone get one of these over the last year?

I really want one but still not sure it's worthy purchase for a single person that doesn't have a garden.
Just think of all the prepper chicks that thing would pull!
I thought about it for about five mins, then decided I could buy a lot of artery clogging mountain houses for that price tag!
Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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