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Had some friends over for dinner

Really cool and interesting.

Definitely above my pay grade! I am more of a bourbon and beer guy.
JR, tell us about how you think people’s perceptions were after the dinner?

It's hard to say if any perceptions are changed from these types of dinners. I think everyone comes in with an open mind and a sense of excitement, maybe this is something I should try and inquire about in the future.

What I can say though is that everyone is always interested in the story....the where and the how. From dinners in the past where we served my wife's moose the regulatory/draw/once in a lifetime component was a big part of the discussion because the heavy regulatory structure was very foreign. Then we got into the ins and out of draw structures bonus/preference points and eyes would start to glaze over. When we have eaten the caribou we typically end up playing the video that was produced of our adventure. Now I've got a list of folks wanting to do a float trip in ANWR. It's been an interesting anecdotal experiment since coming to understand Dr. Blascovich's research highlighting food, conservation dollars funding research/habitat and a regulatory structure being the points of connectivity for the non-hunting individual. The food speaks for itself at dinner, but the conversation always moves towards the regulatory structure and the work of NGO's and the funding of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. Because of these conversations I've gotten asked about all types of issues like grizzly bear de-listing and hunting, wolves, and Alaska hunting practices. I don't always have answers, but I think many come away have a better appreciation for the complexity of some of these issues, and it's far more complicated than a tantalizing headline.
JR glad to have you as a fellow Bay Area hunter. I've enjoyed the DuMol Syrah, but that's the only one that was familiar to me.

When it comes to dinner I'm just happy if the side dish and main meat entree are ready at the same time!
I got started with trying to cook these dinners by inviting people over from a wine forum. I could never have the cellars they do, but they cant get wild game. I've had some incredible bottles over the last 12 years and in turn learned a lot about what I like and dont like.

As for Hank I've had him do a dinner at my house once, I've been bugging him to come fish the surf here and we can then go hunt for shrooms....hopefully he'll come this way soon but I know hes beat from the book tour and trying to catch the heel end of waterfowl season.

And yes, missed on the shot, but it's always a scramble when everything is played and you want to run the food

Let me know when the 2019 dinner is, I'll bring my Camera and tripod.... :)
Wow! Most impressive. That looks like a black tie affair at a high $$$ restaurant for sure. My complements to the chef.
Too fancy for me though, I guess I'm just not that sophisticated.
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