Guy's I need some help.

Idaho Ron

New member
Dec 24, 2000
southern Id
Gretta has some health problems that might end her hunting. I am looking for a GOOD breeder for a German Shorthair. I want a pup that has a lot of natural ability and a health guarantee. I would like to get one that is kind of close to me, but i am willing to go to Montana, Oregon, Nevada, or Utah to find a pup, Boise area would be best. I would like a pup from a NAVHDA breeder if I could.
I need recomendations on GOOD breeders. I have looked at a couple that were NASTY. I don't want to waste my money or time.
Wally Dog did you find the name of teh guy you got yours from? Ron
Bad deal Ron!

Did Gretta get injured?

Here are a couple contacts in the Boise Valley. I went to a couple GSP club outings about 6 years ago when I first got into pointers. Some very good hunting dogs there, and some were couch potatoes. Maybe they can point you in the right direction.

Snake River NAVHDA,Dan Moudree,2808 Kootenai,Boise,ID,83705,208-383-9112

GSP Club of Idaho,Mike Okamura,11902 Alfred St,Boise,ID,83704

In the Reno area there is a older fellow named Frank Reed. He is mostly retired from the dog business now. There was a time that he was THE GSP guy in the area.

Frank is partnered up with a gal in Fallon, NV. Her name is Dawn. She used alot of the blood lines that Frank has developed over the last 50 years. She specializes in hunting GSP's only. Her number is 775 761 6999. Don't know if she has the NAVHDA specs, but she has a very good reputation for producing hunting dogs. I've seen several dogs that came from her and they were handsome and hardwired for chukar.

Hope your Gretta is OK. Thats gotta be a heart breaker.
Ron, I sent you a Hunt Talk private message. What's wrong with Gretta?

Mike Okamura is not active with the German Shorthair Club of Idaho anymore. And the info on Dan Moudree may be outdated also.

Here's the GSP of ID website with contacts:

They also have a member who runs their adoption program for GSPs and he often comes up with some real good looking dogs that people can't keep anymore. Sometimes they are good hunters whose owners are moving to a city, etc.

NAVHDA lists all the local chapter contacts:
What happened is about to break me all the way down. I lost both my mom and dad this year and now maybe Gretta. She was hunting and hurt her leg. We took her in and they said she has ACL problems but they don't know how bad yet. She was also injured a couple of years ago in a fight. My neighbor helped my wife get the dogs appart and Gretta was kicked in the back and it is acting up. Gretta has seen several vets now and they all say the same thing. They don't know if it is a slight tear or a sprain in the ACL. We have to wait for a month before we can hunt her again. If she is still lame she will go in again. The bummer thing is because of the spinal injury she is likely not a candadate for a ACL repair.
If she does come out of it she will need help to cover all the hunting I do so I am going to get another pup. If she can not be helped,,,, I don't want to think about that now. We have to wait untill december to find out.
I think I am going to have a hard time finding a pup. I would like to get it by January. I like to train on wild birds. Ron
Ron, I have a friend in Seattle that had surgery on his lab. It turns out that he is doing awsome.... I will look up his number and get it to you ASAP>. Hope you can give it some time and maybe this vet can help.. Cameron

Try Way Cool Kennels I think his name is Steve Lithco or something like that.Will see if I can find more info if you want , pm me if you want me to check further for you.
Sorry to here that your dog is having problems , I had to put down a very good hound today and am having a rough time myself and and a couple other dogs were my only family for a few years.
I called the vet and told them that the month was up since she hunted last. They didn't want her to hunt for a month after they saw her. They did say to start on a short run and level ground.
I took her out on wednesday. SHe ran about 300 yards and was lame, BAD lame. I called the vet on thursday and told her. She said it was not good news.
She asked me to take her to sun Valley to a specialist. Her back is also very sore because of the limping.
Guys, I feel so bad about this I can't even stand it. I am going on a elk hunt tomorrow. I will be gone for two weeks, it will be a long two weeks of rehashing the same thing. To be honest I don't even feel like going. Ron

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